• Hi there!

    Today, you did a recap of the second audio file.

    Then, you had a reading test.

    Document 3: Another opinion about selfies

    The document is an audio file about selfies.

    The man likes sharing selfies with his family and friends because they live in different cities and it's a good way to keep in touch.

    He is not a selfie addict, he doesn't like posting his face on the web.

    He likes taking “selfies” of his cats because they are so cute!

    He remembers an incredible selfie with a lot of stars in the Oscar Ceremony in 2014. It was re-tweeted one million times!

    Maybe this incredible selfie will be in a museum one day, so it's the future of art!            

    Homework for Thursday, May 4th:

    -          Connaître tout le vocabulaire en vert depuis le début de la leçon sur les selfies > interrogation.

    -          Envoyer son selfie grâce au lien envoyé par mail sur Pronote le plus vite possible !

    -          Pour les élèves parti.e.s en Angleterre : rendre son carnet de voyage (voir mail sur Pronote pour explications)

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  • Hello everyone!


    Today, you had a your final test about physical descriptions and you gave your posters back.



    No homework for Friday!

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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EOI: Juego de preguntas sobre el horario escolar

    CO: Evaluación

    Para el 2 de mayo de 2017:

    - revoir la séquence: vocabulaire et présent de l'indicatif

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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    EOC: Projet final Séquence 4

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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    EOC: Projet final Séquence 4

    El proyecto ganador es la casa de Chaima y Shaneze: ¡FELICIDADES!


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