• Hello!

    Today, you worked in pairs and prepared an oral expose about different screenshots of Moby's video.

    Then, you came up to the board to do your expose and your classmates commented on your presentation: you must speak up and you mustn't read your notes!

    To present and describe a picture:

    1. Present the document (type of document, author, date, etc.)

    2. Describe the document (using AT the top, AT the bottom, ON the left, ON the right, IN the middle, IN the corner, IN the background, IN the foreground... + THERE IS/THERE ARE)

    3. What are they doing? (actions)

    4. Emotions and feelings.

    5. Your opinion.

    You will continue your exposes next time.

    Homework for Wednesday, April 5th: réviser tout ce qui a été vu sur la vidéo de Moby en vue de l'évaluation (description et analyse d'image).

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  • Hello!

    Today, you had a test on Lesson 2 Book 2.

    Then, you wrote the presentation of the new lesson : Best friends! (Book 2, Lesson 3).

    No homework for Friday 31st.

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  • -----------------------------

    For Thursday: revise the lesson, watch the video about Bollywood.

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  • Méthode d'analyse d'image: Présentation et description. 

    1- Décrire précisément (avec localisateurs et "there is / there are ...") 

    2- Parler des actions des personnages (avec present BE+ing) 

    3- Parler des émotions et de la personnalité. 

    4- Donner son avis. 


    In the picture, there is a girl in the background and in the middle
    In the foreground, there are many people. 

    The girl is committing suicide and the people are filming

    The girl is probably scared and very sad

    I think it's exaggerated but horrible! 


    at the top / at the bottom 
    on the left / on the right 
    in the middle / in the background / in the foreground / in the corner


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  • Hello!

    Today, you interrogated the last suspects and then you gave me your opinion about the identity of the killer.

    In your opinion, who is the culprit?

    I think the killer is Aaron K. because he was drinking in a pub on the night of the murder and after he went* into Dorset street. He was a hair dresser so he had* access to scissors, knives, razors

    I believe the killer is Francis T. because he collected female organs and he was* a doctor so he had* access to weapons, such as knives, scissors…

    I suppose Prince Albert Victor is the culprit, because he had a sword collection and he didn't have anyone to confirm his alibi.

    Homework for Monday 3rd:

    - Ecrire sa propre opinion en justifiant (dans le cahier et au crayon).

    - Evaluation: amener ses écouteurs.

    1. enregistrement de la lecture du témoignage

    2. compréhension orale d'un interrogatoire.



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