• Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - corrección de la evaluación

    - CO / EE: Primeros contactos con el mundo hispano

    Para el 1 de octubre de 2014:

    - savoir se présenter en 5 phrases

    - sur feuille, copier sa présentation en 5 phrases


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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EO: Explica por qué Nur no se siente "normal"

    - PRL: expresar los gustos, ie. ejercicio

    Para el 1 de octubre de 2014:

    - sur feuille, faire 7 phrases pour parler de ses goûts en imitant Nur

    - finir l'exercice sur l'expression du goût

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  • Hello!


    As I was absent on Monday, we finished all articles in the first part of the lesson.

    You will have them back next week.

    Then, we worked on irregular verbs online. Diogo scored 100%: congratulations!




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  • Hello!


    As I was absent on Monday, we finished all articles in the first part of the lesson.

    You will have them back next week.

    Then, we worked on irregular verbs online. It was fun!



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  • Hello!

    Today, we discussed your year project. Each group chose a celebrity to work on.

    Then we started our Second sequence: Introduce your school to your penpals.

    You will work in groups of 4 and make a short video of Joliot Curie and comment on it.

    Each of you will have to introduce a small part of the school, (write your informatiion first, then record it!)

    HOMEWORK for Thursday 02/10: Write your part./ Ecrire une description détaillée de sa zone du collège.



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