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    Today, you finished the Think about it page 26 WB and you did exercises 3 and 4 page 29 WB.

    Homework for Monday 13th:

    - revoir Think about it page 26 WB

    - faire exercices 3 et 4 page 33 LIVRE

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    Today, you revised the prepositions of place to locate places on a map.


    Then, you did exercise 5 page 30 in the WB.


    Finally, we started the Think about it page 26 in the WB.



    Homework for Wednesday 8th: revoir page 26 WB et ex 5 page 30 à connaître par cœur.


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    Today, you listened to 4 different voice mails. Then, you chose who you'd like to meet.


     Who can you meet? (p. 25 WB)


    I can meet Jennifer at the Bentall centre at 2:30 p.m. (two thirty) because I like shopping!


    I'd like to meet Kevin at the leisure centre at 4:00 p.m. because I like the swimming pool.


    I can meet Jim at the sports shop at 3:00 p.m.


    The sports shop is between a newsagent's and a clothes shop.


    It is opposite the Bentall centre (= in front of).


    2:00 a.m. = 2:00 in the morning / 2:00 p.m. = 2:00 in the afternoon.


    Homework for Tuesday 7th: être capable de dire qui vous voulez retrouver (Clare, Jim ou…) et où se trouvent les endroits.

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  • Hello!

    Today, you located places on a map (page 24 WB).

    Places in the city

    At the newsagent's, you can buy newspapers and magazines.

    At the shopping centre, you can go in many different shops and restaurants, and do activities.


    Where's the library?

    The library is in Fairfield road, next to the leisure centre.


    Homework for Monday 6th: apprendre leçon par cœur et réécouter audio pour être capable de situer les différents endroits sur la carte p.24 WB.

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  • Hello!

    Today, you revised prepositions of place with Simon's cat.

    Then, you did exercises 1 and 2 page 28 in the workbook.

    Finally, you discovered 5 pictures page 31 in your books.

    Here's the lesson:

    Places in the city (BOOK page 31)

              /aɪ/                      /ɪ/

    At the library, you can read and borrow books.


    At the sports shop, you can buy sports clothes and shoes.

    At the swimming pool, you can swim and you can jump into the pool.


    Homework for Friday 3rd:

    - recopier la leçon sur le blog.

    - être capable de dire ce que l'on peut faire dans les lieux vus en classe.

    - to revise emotions, listen and repeat:

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