• Hello!

    Today, you classified Rapunzel’s activities into different categories and then you wrote a lesson about Present BE + ING.

    What are they doing? 

     They are playing football. 


    Le présent BE + ING s'emploie pour parler d'une action en cours au moment où l'on parle.

    Construction : Auxiliaire BE (conjugué au présent) + Verbe en -ING
    Exemple :
    I am playing football.
    You are playing football.
    is playing football.
    are playing football.
    are playing football. 

    Négation: I am not..., you are not / aren't..., she is not/ isn't playing football... 

    Question: Am I playing football? Are you playing football? Is he playing football? ...

    Réponses brèves :
    Are they playing football? 

    Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. 


    - quand le verbe se termine par un seul 'e', le verbe en -ING perd son 'e'.

    Exemple : come > coming.

    - quand le verbe fait une syllabe ET quand il se termine par 'consonne-voyelle-consonne', on double la consonne finale.

    Exemple : STOP > STOPPING. 


    Homework for Monday 12th: apprendre leçon sur Présent BE + ING et compléter chanson à trou en allant l'écouter sur le blog 

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  • Hello,

    Today, you put Rapunzel's action in the video in the correct order and then you learnt new verbs to describe the actions. 

    Homework for Thursday 8th: apprendre l'ensemble des actions que fait Rapunzel dans la vidéo et être prêt.e à dire ce qu'elle fait en doublant la vidéo !

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  •   Hello,

     Today, you watched an extract from Tangled and you described what Rapunzel is doing.

     Document 2: Rapunzel's video

    It's 7:00 in the morning, Rapunzel is speaking to Pascal and singing.

    She is doing the chores and then it's 7:15 and she is fed up!

    She's reading books.

    She is painting on the walls.

    She is playing the guitar…

    Homework for Monday 5th: apprendre leçon par coeur et revoir la video sur le blog.




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  • Hello,

    Today, we corrected the test S2 and we started a new sequence on Rapunzel. You did a good job!


    Thursday, December 1st

    Document 1: Rapunzel's picture

    She is a princess character from a Disney fairy tale. Her name is Rapunzel.

    She has extremely long blond hair and they are magic!

    She has a little nose, big green eyes, a large mouth and she has freckles.

    She is wearing a purple, pink and golden dress.

    She has a chameleon on her shoulder.

    She is locked up in a big tower with her step mother who is a witch!

    Homework for Friday 2nd à 9h : apprendre la leçon et être capable de décrire l'image de Rapunzel.  

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  • Hello!

    Today, you had a test on Sequence 2: Let's talk about you!

    Then, I explained the final task: Write a letter to your penfriend.

    Monday, November 28th

    Monday, November 28th

    Monday, November 28th

    Homework for Thursday 1st:

    - rendre sa lettre au propre ainsi que son enveloppe en suivant les consignes données.

    > pour les élèves participant au voyage : ajouter 3 photos qui vous représentent à votre courrier !


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