• Hi guys,

    today we first made a recap of Mr Crazy's menu and gave him tips to be in better shape...

    Then we studied another document (Let's Move!) and found some more tips to be in good health. Here is what we said:

    You should do sports 60 minutes a day.
    You shouldn't have a TV in your bedroom.
    You shouldn't sit during TV commercials.
    You should walk around the block after a meal.
    You should take the stairs. You shouldn't take the elevator.
    You should organize your birthday at the swimming-pool for example.


    SHOULD et SHOULDN'T servent pour donner un conseil (ce que l'on devrait faire ou ne pas faire).
    Attention à la prononciation. Le / L / ne se prononce pas.


    Advice and tips



    - Savoir comment exprimer un conseil et pouvoir en donner 5 pour rester en bonne santé (nourriture, sports, ...).

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  • Mr Crazy's menuHi guys,


    today we started a new system of points for the oral participation. Let's hope you'll make the best out of it.

    Here is the lesson we wrote today:

    Mr Crazy's menu:

    He always eats a cat for breakfast.
    He often eats frog salad for lunch.
    He sometimes eats fried spiders for dinner.
    He usually drinks beetle juice for a snack.
    But he hardly ever eats pizza....

    How strange! and disgusting! Yuck! He's completely crazy!


    -> Les adverbes: ici ils expriment la fréquence (jamais -> toujours). En anglais, un AD-VERBE se place A-VANT le VERBE. Logique, non?

    -> On met un "s" au verbe car il est conjugué au présent simple (habitude) à la 3ème personne du singulier (he / she / it).


    Advice / Tips: (not in the notebooks yet)
    You should eat five pieces of fruit or veggies a day.
    You should do sports.
    You shouldn't eat salty, sweet, or greasy foods.

    -> You should / You shouldn't = sert à donner un conseil à qqn sur ce qu'il devrait ou ne devrait pas faire.



    - apprendre par coeur la leçon et se préparer à donner les bons conseils pour être en pleine forme! Vous en avez déjà 3 ci-dessus. Pouvez-vous en imaginer d'autres?

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  • Green Vegetables + Likes and Dislikes + Frequency

    Hi guys,


    today you had to recap last time's lesson... but as only 1 person could do it properly, you will have a test every day from now on... Congratulations...! ... ...

    Here is what we managed to say:

    Green Vegetables:

    I hate eating vegetables in general.

    I'm crazy about eating lettuce and beans. But I'm not crazy; I don't eat lettuce for breakfast! :)
    It's digusting / It's "yuck".

    I can't stand eating broccoli -> I hardly ever eat broccoli.



    always / usually / often / sometimes / hardly ever / never

    The meals of the day:
    - breakfast / lunch / snack / dinner


    Then we imagined Mr Crazy's habits:

    He's crazy about eating lettuce. He usually eats lettuce for breakfast.
    He often eats insects for lunch. Yummy!




    - inventer le menu type de "Mr Crazy". Faire 5 phrases supplémentaires (dans le cahier au crayon à papier) parlant de ses habitudes alimentaires un peu folles...

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished talking about the commerical we had begun to study last time.


    Here is what we said:

    The document is a commercial. It encourages people to eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables every day.
    It encourages people to have a good health.
    It encourages people not to gain weight.

    not healthy = unhealthy -> Ex: pizzas are unhealthy foods. They are junk food.

    Vocab: a slogan / a picture / a caption / a poster / a commercial

    Localize: IN / ON / AT

    IN the corner / IN the middle  ---> IN the top left-hand corner ...
    ON the left / ON the right
    AT the top / AT the bottom



    - apprendre la leçon par coeur + être capable de localiser n'importe quel élément dans un document.

    - se préparer à la tâche finale qui sera = présenter à l'oral une affiche publicitaire en anglais avec comme sujet la nourriture.

    How to present a commercial

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  • Hi guys,

    today we first made a recap about how to express what you like or dislike in English.

    Here is what we said:

    Likes and Dislikes (2) + Health and Sports

    I hate ...
    I can't stand ...
    I don't like ... at all.
    I don't really like...
    I don't mind...
    I enjoy...
    I like ... very much.
    I'm crazy about ...
    I love...

    -> Verbes de goût + ing

    I'm crazy about learning English. I love speaking with Mr Hattais. I hate playing video games. It's so boring...

    Or is it the contrary...? Is Mr Hattais mentally ill? =)


    Finally, we started a new sequence about:

                       HEALTH AND SPORTS

    We started to comment on a picture:


    Here is what we said:

    Eat your colours everyday.

    The document is a poster. It's a commercial.

    There is a big green kiwi. There is a woman. She is eating salad ( = lettuce and tomatoes).

    The colours symbolize the fruit and vegetables.
    - green is for the kiwi
    - red -> tomatoes
    - blue -> blueberries
    - orange -> oranges
    - white -> onions


    --> You should eat your colours everyday = you should eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables / veggies everyday.



    - apprendre la leçon = être capable de reparler de l'affiche sans difficultés.


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