• J'ai corrigé vos enregistrements sur le commentaire de publicité ce week-end... malheureusement certains sont vraiment inaudibles ou carrément ABSENTS!!!
    Comme ce devoir constitue un tiers de votre moyenne, il faut ABSOLUMENT le rattraper.

    CE MARDI 26/11/13 de 17h30 à 18h00

    Vous trouverez la liste de passage ci-dessous:

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  • Hi guys,

    today we filled in the phonetic chart you had started last time about regular verbs in /ed/.

    Then we started a new activity in which you had to imagine questions to obtain information.

    Here are some of the questions you asked: 

    When was she born? 
    When did she die? 
    How did she die? 
    Who did she marry?
    When did she marry?
    When did she divorce?
    How many children did they have?
    What films did he act in?
    When did he begin his career?


    Mot interrogatif
    Auxiliaire pour la question au prétérit. Attention BE fonctionne tout seul. Il est super puissant et n'a pas besoin de DID pour être conjugué.

    Dire une date en anglais:

    ex: She was born... 
    on the ...
    st/nd/rd/th (day)
    of ... (month)
    .. / .. (year)
    Example: I was born on the 19th of February 1975



    - Réviser les questions et être capable d'y répondre pour la partie "Queen Elizabeth".

    Le pair work complet à nouveau ici (attention, il y a deux erreurs qui se sont glissées dans les feuilles... saurez-vous les trouver et les corriger...?)

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first worked on making sentences in the past (affirmative and negative).

    Then you had to find in Charles Dickens's biography all the regular verbs (ed) and classify them according to their pronunciation [id]   [t]   [d]



    - être capable de parler de la vie de Charles Dickens (5 phrases minimum).
    - reporter les verbes en /ed/ présents dans la fiche de travail "Match the biographies..." dans le tableau de prononciation [id]  [t]  [d]

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  • Hi guys,

    today we had to read and explain again Charles Dickens's biography.

    You isolated the verbs in the preterite in the text and made a chart to classify them.

    We also worked on the pronunciation of the / ED / ending. [id] / [t] / [d]

    Here is the lesson we started to write before the bell rang:

    Charles Dickens married his wife. They had 10 children.
    They divorced because they were unhappy.

    -> Pour une affirmation au prétérit, il suffit de mettre /ED/ à la base verbale ou bien la forme irrégulière du verbe.



    - être capable de donner au moins 5 informations sur la vie de Charles Dickens (cf. biography).

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  • Hi guys,

    today we first worked on identifying some celebrities from pictures and short biographies. 

    Then we read Charles Dickens's longer biography.
    You had to try and remember as much information as possible from his biography.

    Charles Dickens was a British novelist. He was born in 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He moved to London with his family when he was about two years old. The family was very poor and Charles Dickens's father didn't earn enough money to support his wife and his eight children. So, at the age of twelve, Charles had to work ten hours a day in a factory. He couldn't go to school and it was his mother who taught him to read and developed his love for books.

    Later, Dickens started writing and became famous by the age of twenty-four. He married Catherine Hogarth in 1836. They had ten children. But as time went by, they became unhappy and divorced in 1858. During his life, Charles Dickens also found the time to work for organizations to help poor people. He died suddenly in 1870.


    Finally, you had to highlight the verbs in the preterite and classify the ones which are irregular in your charts.



    - être capable de donner 4 à 5 informations importantes sur la vie de Charles Dickens (= au passé). 
    - se préparer à classer les verbes irréguliers dans le tableau que vous avez commencé à faire à la fin du cahier.

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