• Hey, 

    today you had a drama class in English in which you had to follow orders and stage directions.

    We warmed up your bodies and emotions with several exercises. We also "warmed up" the space so that you became aware of what was around you.



    - connaître les verbes de didascalies, savoir les associer à un adjectif, et savoir les jouer.

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first took a test about Henry VIII's wives. Then we continued the lesson with a drama class and specifically about stage directions (tone of voice).

    Here is what you learned:

    You gasp when you are shocked
    You tremble when you are scared
    You ...

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  • Hi guys,

    today we made a recap about good resolutions and then we continued working about Henry VIII and his six wives.

    We watched a parody of ABBA's "Money Money Money" called "Henry Henry Henry"... and I FORCED you to sing... lol

    Here is what we finally said about the wives:

    4- Henry married his wife for territory. He wanted Germany. They divorced because she was ugly ( beautiful). She looked like a horse.

    5- They married because they loved each other. But she cheated. She had a love affair. She was beheaded.

    6- They married because Henry was sick. He wanted a nurse and a baby-sitter. They didn't love each other.


    Homework: Contrôle de début d'heure à l'écrit!

    - être capable de parler des femmes d'Henry VIII (pourquoi ils se sont mariés et pourquoi ils se sont séparés).

    - être capable de donner au moins 5 bonnes résolutions pour ce début d'année en utilisant le vocabulaire et les structures vus en cours.

    - chanter "discrètement" la chanson chez soi... ... ... en mode karaoké bien sûr!! =)

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on the following video about New Year's Resolutions. I hope you liked it!



    - être capable de donner au moins 5 résolutions possibles pour la nouvelle année. Attention au nouveau vocabulaire à bien connaître mais aussi à la bonne prononciation et intonation. Vous pouvez imiter les personnages de la vidéo bien sûr!

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished to study Henry VIII's six wives. Here is what we said:

    1- divorced / 2- beheaded / 3- died
    4- divorced / 5- beheaded / 6- survived

    1- Henry married Catherine because he wanted territory (Spain) and a male heir. It was a political alliance. They divorced because Catherine had a daughter. She didn't have a son.
    2- Henry married his 2nd wife because he fell in love. They separated because she cheated / she had a love affair. She was beheaded.
    3- Henry's 3rd wife died in childbirth but she had a son / a male heir.



    - apprendre la leçon = être capable de parler des 3 premières femmes de Henry VIII et connaître le nouveau vocabulaire.

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