• Hey,

    today we corrected your listening test from last time about the Aborigines and the conditions of living.
    Here is what we said in English:

    Part 1: The creation of the world in Australia.
    At the dawn of time, the legend says the animal spirits created the land and the first aboriginal people.

    Part 2: The conditions of living in the "Outback".
    The Aborigines live in the desert. They don't have water, food, houses, roads, ... They adapt to nature but nature doesn't adapt to them.
    The conditions of living of harsh / severe / unforgiving. Normally a desert is uninhabitable.

    Farenheit / Celsius -> Freezing = 0°C = 32°F
                                 100°F -> 38°C

    Part 3: The place of Nature for the Aborigines.
    Nature is like a religion. It is holy and sacred. It is their cathedral.





    - devoir de fin de séquence en vue. Ex: vous êtes directeur d'une agence de tourisme et vous devez présenter un voyage en Australie à un couple d'anglais sportifs; ils sont très curieux des activités et de la culture à découvrir dans ce pays. Écrivez leur dialogue et proposez-leur des choses intéressantes à faire pour leur profil.

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  • Hi guys,

    today you had to create the draft for the illustration of your "Dreamtime Story".

    We also listened to a woman teaching you the technique of dot painting. You can listen to her again below:


    We also made a list of what you need to do dot paintings.



    - avoir terminé l'esquisse de son dessin et être prêt à utiliser la peinture pour finir le travail d'illustration.

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  • Hi guys,

    today you had to finish creating your story.
    I hope you will have found interesting ideas.



    - ceux qui n'ont pas rendu leur histoire complète doivent le faire pour vendredi!!!! sinon... zero...?

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  • Hi guys,

    today I read a story out loud to you as if you were my little brother or sister.
    You had to try and find a good title for it and explain it again with your own words.

    Here is what you said:

    A long time ago, the sun was very hot and the koala was weak because of the sun.
    The lizard decided to protect his friend. He transformed into a tree.
    This is how trees were created.


    dot painting = the traditional form of aboriginal painting.
    dreamtime story = the legend of the aborigines for the creation of the world.


    A dreamtime story by Kathryn

    Then I gave you a worksheet to work on how the story was built (intro, ... , conclusion).

    Here is the worksheet we used:



    - terminer les exercices A / B / C- de la fiche (création des étapes de votre dreamtime story). Vous devez arriver en cours avec les grandes lignes de votre histoire écrites en anglais directement.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished studying the last document about Sydney. Here is what we said about it:

    The document is a leaflet / an ad campaign about Sydney for tourists.
    It encourages tourists to come for:

    - the dizzy skyscrapers
    - the delicious restaurants
    - the stunning shores
    - the best activities like surfing or swimming with dolphins




    - être capable de parler de Sydney et de ce que l'on peut y faire.

    The truth or a lie?

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