• Hello everybody,

    Last time and today, we continued the preparation for the final task.

    We listened to a waiter taking the order of two customers.

    Here is some useful vocabulary :

    Starters / Main course / Desserts / Coffee or Tea / Drinks




    a glass of milk 


    a cup of coffee 


    a spoonful of sugar 


    a slice of bread 


    a piece of cake 

    Do this activity : http://LearningApps.org/view1019696  




    Utilisation de SOME et ANY 


    « Some » est utilisé dans des phrases affirmatives: « I want some ice-cream » et




    « Any » dans des phrases négatives : « We haven’t got any tea ». 




    En général, dans les phrases interrogatives, tu utilises « any » : « Have you got any biscuits? »






    Formuler des DEMANDES POLIES au restaurant




    1- Le serveur est très poli ! Comment s'adresse-t-il aux clients ? Il dit « Sir» au monsieur et « Madam» à la dame. Attention de bien prononcer  


    « Madam» à l'anglaise, l'accent tombe sur la première syllabe.


    Si tu t'adresses à ton professeur, toi aussi tu dois dire Sir s'il s'agit d'un homme, et « Miss » ou « Madam» s'il s'agit d'une femme. Cela t'évite de dire leur nom à chaque fois!


    WOULD : Would you like to know anything ? I'd like ...

    contraction de would = 'd / forme négative = wouldn't.

    Attention : le "l" de would ne se prononce pas. Ne pas confondre : I like (J'aime) et I'd like (j'aimerais)




    Waiter’s questions:

    - Are you ready to order ?




    -How about you, madam?


    -How about the main courses?


    -Would you like to order dessert?


    -And for you, madam?


    -Anything to drink?


    -Would you like tea or coffee afterwards?


    Customers’ questions:




    -What kind of soup is the soup of the day?


    -What kind of vegetables are served with the fish?


    -Is the ice-cream really home made?




    HOMEWORK : LEARN THE LESSON and get prepared for the oral !





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  • Hello everybody,


    Here is what we did lately :

    We worked on an extract from the movie entitled : "Falling Down".

    We first imagined what the customer was going to do :

    I think / I guess / I imagine the customer is going to punch the manager.

    The customer may become furious and spit on the waitress.

    => A retenir : pour supposer ce qui va se passer, il y a deux moyens en anglais :

    1) Mot de l'opinion (ex : I think) + mot du futur : will


    2) MAY

    Then, we watched the entire video and discovered what actually happened :

    Finally, the customer didn't punch the manager.

    The customer got a gun out of his bag.

    He changed his mind.

    He didn't order breakfast.

    => A retenir : pour parler d'un événement passé, on utilise le prétérit :

    1) verbes réguliers : verbe + ED prononcé /t/, /d/ ou /id/. Ex : He changed his mind.

    2) verbes irréguliers : verbe à connaître : ex : He became furious.

    3) négation : did + not + verbe sans rien : ex : he didn't order breakfast.


    Next lesson :

    Preparation for the final task.

    Today, we formed groups of 3 or 4 and we read the instructions for the oral and written tasks.

    Here it is :

    - With your group [a waiter or waitress + 2 customers] : choose a name for your diner, choose an origin for your food. Create a menu (dishes, deserts, drinks...). Prepare a script for the situation and include a problem.

    - Alone (seul) : create a recipe (une recette) and talk about the history of your dish.


    HOMEWORK : FOR 23/09/2014 : prepare the final task (see the instructions / voir ci-dessus)

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  • Hello everybody,

    This week, you came back to school so I presented you the "class contract" for this year.

    Then, we started working on the correction of the webquest about American diners.

                                                           Thursday, September 4th
                                                                                    (the fourth)

                AMERICAN DINERS : Correction of the webquest.

    Today, we discovered the origins of American cuisine.
    We saw that guacamole came from the Mexicans.
    Then, we learnt that biryani came from the Indians.
    The American cuisine is a melting-pot of Chinese, Cajun and Italian food too.

    For the next class, learn your lesson !


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