• Hello,

    Today, you read a text about Whitechapel and tried to figure out some new vocabulary.

    We will continue tomorrow!

    Homework for Tuesday 6th:

    - relire le texte et mémoriser le nouveau vocabulaire.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you did a recap of the Police Notice and then you played the 7 mistakes game with the first picture.

    Police Notice

    This text says three women were* murdered on August and September, in 1888.

    They were* killed in or near Whitechapel, in London.

    The police asks the people from the neighbourhood to call them if they witnessed anything.

    7 mistakes 

    In this picture, there are no posters whereas in the previous picture, there were* three posters on the walls.

    Unlike the first picture, in this picture the shadow is holding the knife in his left hand.

    In this picture, the shadow has a smaller hat than in the previous picture.

    Contrary to the first picture, the dead woman has a tattoo but she lost* a toe.

    Homework for Monday 4th: être capable de décrire la Police Notice et donner les 7 différences entre les images.

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    Sequence 6

    Today, we started a new sequence about a famous serial killer!

    Picture 1

    The documents are a picture and a police notice.

    In the picture, in the middle, in the background, there is an interesting man.

    He is wearing a top hat and a long coat.

    He is a mysterious shadow because we can't see his face.

    In the foreground, there are two feet. I think they belong to a dead woman.

    I believe he just stabbed her because he is holding a knife.

    The atmosphere is gloomy, scary and dark because the scene takes place in a dark alley at night.

    I think this man is Jack the Ripper. He was* a famous serial killer in London, in the 19th century who killed only women.

    On the left and on the right, there are police notices on the walls.

     Homework for Thursday 31st:

     - être capable de présenter et décrire l'image de Jack the Ripper (sur blog)

    Tuesday, May 29th


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  • Hello,

    Today, you prepared your final task - Part 2: A presentation letter for the Best job in the World.

    Homework for Thursday 31st:

    - rendre sa tâche finale soit sous forme de lettre papier, soit sous forme de vidéo ou de fichier audio (clé USB).

    Les abent.e.s de ce jour n'auront pas de délais supplémentaires et devront faire leur travail comme les autres.

    ADRESSE POUR ENVOI DES FICHIERS AUDIO OU VIDEO : agathe.solins@laclasse.com 

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  • Hello,

    Today, you discovered the 6 job offers from the contest "The Best Job in The World" and you took some notes.

    Then, you started to work on the second part of the final task: A presentation letter for the best job in the world.

    We will continue the preparation on Monday.


    The Park Ranger will check the water temperature, control the beaches and leave only footprints.

    I will be the best Park Ranger, because I'm a sea and nature lover, an outdoor person and I'm extremely lazy.


    Thursday, May 24th

    Homework for Monday 28th:

    - aller sur le blog revoir la video “job offers”

    - écrire ses qualités comme dans le modèle écrit en classe pour le job auquel vous choisissez de postuler.


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