• Hello!

    Today, we corrected the activity about Chloe's holidays and you prepared your oral pairwork.

    Homework for Thursday 20th:

    - amener ses écouteurs

    - être capable de poser et de répondre à des questions sur les vacances d'été (revoir les verbes irréguliers)

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  • Hello!

    Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait un exercice d'alerte incendie.

    Then, we talked about Chloe's holidays. You asked questions and your classmates had to justify their answers with the text.

    Homework for Wednesday 19th:

    - faire l'exercice sur la fiche.

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  • Hello!

    Today, we talked about Chloe’s holidays again. And you started to ask tricky questions to your classmates about her trip.

    Part 2: Chloe’s holidays

    In the mornings, they visited tourist sights and the Louvre museum. It was her favourite!

    At lunch, they ate* sandwiches and crepes.

    In the afternoons, they took* a lot of photos of the city.

    Then, they went* back to their hotel and took* a shower.

    For dinner, they went* to small restaurants and after they went* to a disco and danced.

    They made* good friends and they met* interesting people.

    They spent* fantastic holidays but everything was* very expensive, so they didn’t buy presents for their families.


    Prepare 3 questions about Chloe’s holidays:

    Ex: Did Chloe go to Japan?


    HW for Tuesday 18th:

    être capable de parler des vacances de Chloe et Lucy (leçon) et de répondre à des questions sur ce qu’elles a fait ou non.

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  •  Hello,

    Today, you asked questions to your classmates about their holidays.

    Then, we wrote a short lesson about the preterit.

    And we discovered what Chloe did during the holidays !

    Le prétérit

    On utilise le prétérit pour parler du passé.

    Pour fabriquer le prétérit:

    - Dans une question, on met (mot interrogatif) + DID + S + BV+ …?

    - Pour répondre: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

    - Dans une phrase affirmative:

    > Si le verbe est régulier: on rajoute -ED à la fin.

    Il se prononce /d/; /id/; /t/.

    > Si le verbe est irrégulier: on doit l’apprendre par coeur.

    - Dans une phrase négative: S + DIDN’T + BV + ...


    Lesson 2 : Chloe’s holidays

    Chloe and her friend Lucy went* to Paris by train in August. They stayed /d/ 5 days in a small hotel in the city center.

    Notes :

    Mornings: visited tourist sights / Louvre museum > favourite

    Lunch : sandwich and crepes

    Afternoons : took* a lot of photos ?


    Dinner : small restaurants / disco

    Made* good friends / interesting people / a lot of fun / fantastic holidays

    Very expensive / no presents for family

    HW for Thursday 13th :

    - relire leçon prétérit

    - apprendre leçon Chloe et questions au passé.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you asked questions about summer holidays to your classmates again.

    Questions about summer holidays

    - Did you travel to a foreign country?

    Yes, I did. I travelled to Algeria.

    No, I didn't.

    - Did you camp?

    Yes, I did. I camped in Cap d'Agde.

    No, I didn't. I didn't camp.

    - Did you sleep* a lot?

    Yes, I did! I slept* a lot.

    No, I didn't.

    Homework for Wednesday 12th:

    être capable de poser des questions sur les vacances de vos camarades et y répondre pour vous.

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