• Hi guys, today we spoke about Eva Longoria's mastery of speech.

    Here is what we said about the document:



    - être capable de redire la leçon avec la bonne prononciation
    - trouver une autre personne célèbre qui pourrait incarner "The American Dream".

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued working on the video with Eva Longoria.

    Here is what we said about it:

    For Eva's family, education was a cardinal priority. College was mandatory.
    Problem: College is very expensive in the USA but Eva couldn't ask her parents for money because they weren't wealthy. So, she had to ...:
    * ask the bank for a loan
    * ask the college for a grant
    * ask the state for financial aid
    * work (she flipped burgers at Wendy's, she changed oil in a mechanic shop, and she taught aerobics).

    - a harbour = a city by the sea
    - teach -> taught
    - Corpus Christi

    Grammar: (in the past)
    don't -> didn't
    must -> had to



    - apprendre la leçon et remplir son carnet de vocabulaire.
    - vous pouvez bien sûr également regarder la vidéo en entier pour vous préparer à prendre la parole plus facilement. Concentrez-vous sur les grands thèmes de campagne électorale. 

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  • Hi guys,

    today, after presenting the way the class would be in English this year (and the trip to England!!!), we started the first sequence of the year about American elections.

    Here is the document we watched:



    - acheter un carnet de vocabulaire et commencer à le remplir.
    - regarder la vidéo complète d'Eva Longoria.

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  • Welcome To Your New English Blog

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished recording the Vincent project and then we watched the whole movie trying to understand the differences and similarities between our project and the original director's. We also heard that the actual text rhymed.

    You can watch the short film here again:



    No special homework for next time! For once!

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