• Some Like it Hot! (Marilyn Monroe)

    The movie is a comedy, a detective story, and possibly a romance too.
    Two men want to enter a train in the women's section to escape from the mob.
    They witnessed the slaughter of seven people in a garage.

    They try to look like women but they can't. They can't walk with high heels for example.

    They compare women to pastry: goodies, butter, rolls, ... but they are "on a diet". It's funny.

    Musical instruments = the sax(ophone) / the bass / the clarinet / the yukulele / the piano...

    Women's attributes = wig / gloves / lipstick, eye shadow, foundation / jewels / head band / ...
    Quotation: women walk like "jell-o on springs".



    - bien apprendre le début d'analyse sur ce film.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued the analysis of the song and the musical. Here is what you finally said:

    The music of the Night - Analysis:

    The song is about Eric's fantasy / dream.
    It's not a real wedding.

    Cristine doesn't want to marry Eric but she hypnotized / possessed.
    Eric can't without Cristine and she's gonna help him make "the music of the night". It's dark.

    Then you made a list of words that you could use in a song to speak about the theme. Here are the words you classified:

    dark    darker
    black  sewers
    soul    troubling
    dead   fairy
    faint    hidden

    bride     marriage
    love       wedding
    bed        candles

    mind                     mysterious
                  fantasy                      imagination
    magic    power
    spell      angel    

    cold       splendor
    sweet    amazed

    At the end you also enjoyed pulling Christmas crackers with Amy! It was fun, wasn't it?

    Analysis of the Phantom of the Opera









    - jeudi = ceux qui n'ont pas encore enregistré leur appel au secours d'un animal (tâche finale) devront le faire.
    - lundi = écrire un brouillon de la chanson à ré-écrire en changeant les paroles.


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  • Hi guys,

    those who were present today had time to record their final tasks.

    GREAT job to all of you. You can be proud!

    Take care and have a good holiday.




    - préparer sa tâche finale (appel d'urgence d'un animal en détresse)
    - connaître les grandes lignes du "Phantom of the Opera" et l'analyse de la chanson "Music of the Night" (relire les paroles avec l'extrait vidéo et préparer un recap du commentaire oral).

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  • Last time with Amy, we spoke about the video from the movie "Phantom of the Opera" (Music of the Night).

    We analysed the video clip and studied the lyrics. Here are some ideas you spoke about:

    dark (sewers) / troubling / mysterious / romantic (candles)

    The scary honeymoon:
    bed / she falls faint / dead bride (doll with a wedding dress) / bridegroom dressed in black / hidden places (behind curtains) she is amazed / he asks her to marry him and to love him

    Magical song:
    She is spell bound / under his spell / amazed.
    He cast a spell on her

    -> There is an ambivalence in the lyrics between the "physical wedding" and "the mental wedding".




    - préparer sa tâche finale (appel d'urgence d'un animal en détresse)
    - connaître les grandes lignes du "Phantom of the Opera" et l'analyse de la chanson "Music of the Night" (relire les paroles avec l'extrait vidéo et préparer un recap du commentaire oral).

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  • Today we went to the computer room and you had to find information about an endangered animal (place of their habitat, threats, ...)

    We used the following wikipedia page:




    - finish writing your emergency telephone call from your animal (mixing reality and fiction)

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