• Hi guys,

    today we made the last comments about Andy Warhol's work of art. Here is everything we said about the painting. You now need to forge your own ideas about this work of art if you select it in your portofolio for the "histoire des arts" oral exam.

    I hope you liked it (hot......:)




    - nous débuterons une nouvelle séquence. C'est le moment d'actualiser votre cahier et carnet de vocabulaire. C'est également la possibilité pour vous de rendre une tâche finale facultative sur Andy Warhol. Pourquoi ne pas enregistrer une commentaire audio comme si vous étiez guide au MoMa et que vous deviez commenter 9 Marilyn pour un public d'enfants américains?

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued and nearly finished the analysis of Andy Warhol's portraits. Here is what you copied:

    9 Marilyn - Recap



    - être capable de faire une présentation complète en anglais du tableau.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished to see how Andy Warhol's biography was very important in his works of art as many events in his life have influenced his genre and painting style.

    We also started to analyse the portraits of Marilyn Monroe (in the set: 9 Marilyns).

    Andy Warhol's Biography - the end + 9 Marilyns

    Here is how you could introduce the work of art in English:

    Andy Warhol's Biography - the end + 9 Marilyns



    - devoir de compréhension orale / leçon sur la biographie de Andy Warhol

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on the 2nd part of Warhol's life with his debut as an artist; we asked whether you thought he could be referred to as an artist or not and you had to make a definition of what an artist is for you. Here is what you said:

    An artist can become famous but it's not necessary. He/She must be talented and unique. They must have a special technique and work with a team to become famous thanks to an editor or manager. An artist has a lot of free imagination. They make a lot of art work to give emotions to the spectators. They can like it or not. There are amateur and professional arists.



    - être capable de parler de Andy Warhol (early life and debuts) + être capable de commenter votre définition de l'artiste en rapprochant ce que vous connaissez d'Andy Warhol. En quoi peut-on dire de Warhol qu'il était ou n'était pas un artiste.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we started a new sequence entitled: Pop Art and Andy Warhol (9 Marilyns)

    We watched a video game in English and learnt more information about Warhol's life when he was a kid and how his childhood would influence his artwork.

    You can play the game (full interactive version) here again:

    (cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous puis allez en bas de la page à droite)

    Sequence HDA - Pop Art and Andy Warhol

    Here is what you said about his life:

    The artist was born in the USA (Pittsburgh, a smoky industrial city) on August 6th 1928. His parents came from Slovakia. They emirgrated because the life there was too hard.
    His real name was Andrew Warhola.
    When he was a boy, his first gift was a camera and he developed his photos in his dark room by himself.
    He was very talented / gifted.
    He wanted to be a tap dancer but he chose to study drawing and painting at university.
    The family was very hard-working: Andrew began selling his artwork at 10, his mother sold paper flowers, ...



    - apprendre la leçon = être capable de parler de l'enfance de Andy Warhol.

    Fiches de travail distribuées ce jour: Student A / Student B

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