• Hi guys,

    today we worked on the 2nd extract from the movie "Ruby Bridges" and you analysed the similarities and the differences. Here is what you could have said:

    She is brave / determined whereas she was scared.
    The wall was clean whereas now it's covered in graffitti and tomato. Someone is throwing tomatoes at Ruby. 
    The angry mob are separated from the girl but Ruby is still escorted by four US marshals
    She is alone. She is wearing a white dress and a white ribbon. She is carrying her school things. 


    - the focus is on the girl
    - hair style / escorted by / determined
    - angry mob / protest / nigger
    - KKK = Ku Klux Klan (a racist cult)
    - throw
    - marshal
    - façade / steps / stairs / barrier


    Quand on peut observer une action (voir, entendre, ...) -> on met des "lunettes" au verbe pour le conjuguer = BE + ING

    WHEREAS = mot de l'opposition = "alors que..."


    Correction for Nawel's group:

    The little girl is escorted by 4 US marshals but she is not with her mother. In this extract there are barriers to protect her from the angry mob. She is not wearing the same dress (the colour is not the same). On the wall, it's written KKK and we can hear her thoughts about the situation. She is brave and determined in the part whereas in the 1st extract she was scared.



    - être capable de faire le recap des deux extraits vidéo vus en cours.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued speaking about segregation and desegregation. We watched the full extract from the movie "Ruby Bridges". You can watch it again below (and the rest of the film if you want to):

    Ruby Bridges

    Here is what we wrote as the recap of the lesson:

    Blacks weren't accepted by whites. Whites were shocked by a black little girl who went to a school originally reserved for whites.
    It was the first black family who accepted the new law.
    Before, it was forbidden for blacks to go to school together with whites in the south (cf. the scene takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana)
    Everyone was aggressive with Ruby. People called her names ("jigaboo"). She had to be escorted by 4 US marshals.



    - être capable de parler de la situation de la petite fille.
    - regarder l'extrait du film à nouveau.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued working on Afro-American history. As you said, we talked about the evolution of society. And with this evolution, also comes an evolution in the language.

    Slaves -> niggers / negroes / coloured people (now offensive vocabulary) -> Black people -> Afro-Americans / African Americans

    Here the audio document we listened to today:


    And what you said or could have said about it:

    50 years ago, blacks and whites were segregated in the USA.
    Black people couldn't go to the same restaurants as white people.

    Black men were forbidden to play checkers in a park with white men.
    They were not allowed to swim at the same public beaches or swimming pools.
    They had to sit at the back of buses.
    They had to go to segregated schools.
    They had to drink in different water fountains.
    They had to use separate bathrooms and facilities in general.



    - Faire l'exercice 3 de la feuille = allez sur le site suivant et écrire 5 à 8 lois (dans vos propres mots) concernant les obligations / interdictions de la communauté noire aux USA dans les années 60's.

    Cliquez ici pour accéder au site sur les lois "Jim Crow"

    - se préparer à un contrôle de leçon sur les 1ères leçons de cette séquence.

    • Document distribué aujourd'hui:

    •  Construction de la Mindmap telle qu'élaborée à l'heure actuelle:


    • Here is a very nice song (they won an oscar this year for "best song") about the topic:

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued the lesson about segregation in the USA. We listened to a new document and added more ideas to our mind map.

    Here is the document again:


    And the mindmap in progress:



    - être capable (à l'aide de la mindmap ou sans) de faire au moins 5 phrases pour parler de la conditions des "Afro-Americans" aux USA avant les années 60.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we started a new lesson with a video montage from a movie.

    Here it is again:

    You couldn't imagine why the mob was angry at first but them I presented a slideshow and you understood... how incredible, isn't it?

    Here is a mindmap to help you start organize your ideas:



    - être capable de faire des phrases (au moins 5) sur les lois "raciales" aux USA dans les années 60. Qu'avait-on le droit de faire? Qu'est-ce qui était interdit?

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