
    Thursday, November 28th


    Successes and difficulties of the dabbawalas


    in Mumbai



    The dabbawalas must be very strong because it is


    difficult to carry 40 lunchboxes. They deliver the


    lunchboxes on bikes (they share their bikes), in


    trains, and with carts.



    The service is very famous. Prince Charles visited


    the dabbawalas because they are the best service in


    Mumbai. They are excellent but they are illiterate.


    They can’t read, they can’t write so they must use a





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    Thursday, November 28th




    The analysis of the screenshot (2)



    Mae and Mercer are not socializing. They are arguing and the rest of


    the people are just on their phones. They are isolated.




    Inside, the colors are white and black. It’s dark whereas outside it is


    colorful. You can see the colors in the reflection of the windows.



    The windows look like a screen. People are trapped on social media,


    in a virtual prison.



    The director may think nothing can change because when Mercer


    died, Mae didn’t change her point of view.





    Homework for Tuesday December 3rd:


    - Savoir analyser parfaitement l'image extraite du film


    - Préparer et rendre le brouillon (sur feuille) de sa tâche finale.

    The analysis of the screenshot (2)

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    The boy is between 11 and 14.

    The girl is between 8 and 12.

    I think the family is British or American…

    Homework for Monday 2nd:

    - apprendre “Anticipation”

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    Thursday, November 28th



    Analysis of the picture (2)





    I can see a reflection in the windows. I can see trees, grass, the sky, …


    I can see outside. It’s the vision of the world of Mercer because he


    likes to have fun and go on adventure.






    The main material inside is marble. This material is solid, cold and





    It is solid like a prison.



    It is cold like when you don’t have any friends.



    It is rich because you pay social media with your personal





    Homework for Monday December 2nd:


    - Savoir décrire et analyser l'image vue en cours. (Can you describe


    and analyse the picture?)


    - Rendre le brouillon de sa tâche finale (1- summary / 2- Mae/Mercer


    speaks / 3- message of the film and opinion)


    The analysis of the screenshot (2)



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  • Hello,

    Today, you performed The Argument scene. You did a good job!

    No homework for tomorrow.

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