• Hello,

    Aujourd'hui, les élèves présents ont créé un jeu sur les tablettes pour leurs camarades !

    No homework.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you discovered the theme of the new sequence with a video extract.


    Sequence 6


    This video extract is the opening credits of an American TV series.

    There is a girl, maybe she is the main character of the series.

    She takes selfies all the time and she posts them on social media (Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook…)

    A selfie is a picture of yourself (face or body?) that you put on the internet and that can get you likes.

    The girl is beautiful and she looks like a diva. She makes duckfaces and she puts on a lot of make up.

    She just wants to be famous and popular.

    Maybe she is a selfie addict.

    Homework for Friday 15th:

    - apprendre leçon “Selfie”


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  • Hello,

    Aujourd'hui, vous avez commencé à réflechir à la création de votre superhéros ou superhéroïne.

    No homework for Monday 18th.

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  • Hello,

    Aujourd’hui, vous avez parlé de routines agréables et moins agréables.

    A lucky routine

    You always play games online.

    You always eat ice-cream.

    You never eat veg.

    You often meet your friends.

    You often watch your favourite programme on TV.

    You never tidy your room.

    You never do your homework.

    You never have limited Internet access.

    You always go to bed late and you never get up early.

    You sometimes have fun outside.

    Homework for Monday 18th:

    connaître le leçon “A lucky routine” + être capable de parler de sa routine.

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  • The accusation!

    Inspector Abberline – his report


    In the case of Jack the Ripper… I'm sorry to announce that we can't know who the real killer is for the moment.

    Some police officers think it's the hairdresser because he had* access to scissors and he was drinking beers at the Ten Bells. He was* a regular customer.

    Others believe it was the American doctor. He knew* the anatomy of people, he was obsessed with female organs and he smoked illegal substances.

    Finally, I believe it was a woman! Mary Pearcy. She was a midwife at the hospital. She knew people's anatomy and she probably wanted to stop the flow of pregnant prostitutes.


    Maybe in the future, the police will know thanks to science!

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