• ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:


    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EOI: juego de preguntas y respuestas, ie. repaso

    Para el 11 de enero de 2016:

    - revoir le lexique de la séquence 3

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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EO: Hablamos de las vacaciones

    - PRL: Le passé composé

    - MTEE: Memorias de mis vacaciones

    - EO: ¿Cómo te has pasado las vacaciones? Explica.

    Para el 9 de enero de 2017:

    - EOC: être capable de parler de ses vacances

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  • The New Story of LRRH:

    The wolf is* a pet in the family.
    The father doesn't want to kill him.
    When the wolf eats* the grand-mother and LRRH, he is* sleepwalking...
    First, the father pets the wolf...
    Then he jumps on his stomach. But it doesn't work.
    He waits... but it doesn't work...
    Finally, he tickles the wolf. The animal sneezes the grand-mother and LRRH out of his nostrils!
    And they live happily ever after.


    "Atishoo!" -> "bless you"


    - créer 5 illustrations pour l'histoire créée en classe (par ex: 1 pour le début / 3 pour le milieu / 1 pour la fin). Elles devront être de qualité, réalisées sur papier blanc pour être ensuite publiées! Appliquez-vous!
    - la prochaine fois nous travaillerons sur le développement des dialogues + des descriptions de lieux / atmosphère.

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  • Oliver Twist (the poster + the movie still)

    Oliver Twist (the poster + the movie still)

    The document is a movie poster of the film "Oliver Twist" by Roman Polanski.
    It's an adaptation of the book by Charles Dickens.
    I think Oliver is the victim and the men are racketeering him. Or it's a kidnapping.
    Maybe Oliver is not the victim but a thief. He robbed something. The men are policemen with canes / sticks to hit him.
    Maybe he did something bad in his boarding school and they are teachers.
    We can't see their faces because it's very dark. You can see only silhouettes.

    The picture is very dark. You can't see. Just lights in the background. Oliver is outside the house. He is arriving.

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  • Hello and welcome back!

    Today, you had a flash test on irregular verbs. Then, I explained the irregular verbs battles!

    Then, we corrected the exercises and I explained again the two preterits.

    Homework for Monday 9th:

    • finir la fiche d'exercices et commencer à tout réviser en vue du test de JEUDI 12 JANVIER.
    • se préparer également à la première battle sur les ceintures blanche et jaune!

     Pour revoir la prononciation des verbes irréguliers, clique ici !

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