• Oliver Twist (the poster + the movie still)

    Oliver Twist (the poster + the movie still)

    Oliver Twist (the poster + the movie still)

    The document is a movie poster of the film "Oliver Twist" by Roman Polanski.
    It's an adaptation of the book by Charles Dickens.
    I think Oliver is the victim and the men are racketeering him. Or it's a kidnapping.
    Maybe Oliver is not the victim but a thief. He robbed something. The men are policemen with canes / sticks to hit him.
    Maybe he did something bad in his boarding school and they are teachers.
    We can't see their faces because it's very dark. You can see only silhouettes.

    The picture is very dark. You can't see. Just lights in the background. Oliver is outside the house. He is arriving.

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