• Hello everyone!


    Today, we revised the social networks chapter. Here is your lesson:



    Thursday, November 3rd (the third).


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks ?


    Positive aspects

    Negative aspects

    -You can find or make more friends.



    -You can communicate with your friends online, even if they are far away (=loin).


    -You can share posts (pictures…) with a large community.

    -It creates social inequalities : if you don't have access to the internet, you can feel different or maybe jealous.


    -you can meet dangerous people.



    -You must be 13 to create an account.





    For Friday 4/11: revise the lesson

    -Compréhension Ecrite


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  • Hi there!

    Today, we continued to study some penfriend letters. You wrote down typical salutations and different questions you can ask to a penfriend.

    Then, we discussed how to organize yourselves and take notes when listening to an audio file

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  • Hello!

    Aujourd'hui nous avons parlé des présentations (âge et origines).

    - How old are you Jeremie?

    - I'm twelve (years old).

    - Where are you from Ines?

    - I'm from France and Tunisia. I'm French.

    Pour vendredi 4 novembre:

             réécouter fichier audio DVDrom (texte page 135 livre)

             apprendre leçon par coeur

             exercice 3 page 12 workbook.

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