• Reading about the Lorax's story

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  • Homework:

    - finir la webquest (page 1 + carte des villes principales)

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  • Subtitles:

    01 - The Once-Ler didn't have success but one day, he found paradise. He was happy and surprised because it was extremely beautiful.
    02- He cried because he was moved.
    03- The fish said hello and sang.
    04- He saw bears. They played and climbed a pyramid to eat fruit.
    05 - A bird woke up and yawned.



    - apprendre la leçon.
    - repérer (dans le texte) tous les verbes au prétérit et leur appliquer le code couleurs vu en cours (irrégulier = * en rouge / régulier = ed encadré en vert)

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  • The Dabbawallas in Mumbai

    Mystery Pictures:

    This is a dabba, a box or a pail with a handle and a lid.
    There are letters and colours on the lid.
    It contains home-cooked food.
    The family prepares the food and a dabbawalla delivers it from home to the right person at school or in an office.
    A dabbawalla is a person who delivers the boxes.


    New Sequence - India

    New Sequence - India


    Q&A (Questions and Answers):

    When did they create the association?
           They created the association in 1890.

    Where do they work?
           They work in Mumbai, one of the biggest cities in India.

    Who are the dabbawallas?
           They are delivery men. They are fairly illiterate.

    How do they deliver the food?
           They don't use technology.

    What means of transport do they use?
           They use the local train, bicycles, and carts.

    What are the colours on the lid?
           The colours are a code.

    How many clients do they have?
           They have about 200.000 customers.

    How many roles are there in the association?
           There are 3 roles (government, supervisors, dabbawallas)

    How much does the service cost?
           The service costs $10 a month.

    What do the dabbawallas bring to join the association.
           They bring 2 bicycles, a wooden crate, and 20 rupees.

    How can the customers contact the service?
           The customers can send an SMS or visit the website.

    Who is the boss?
           There are no bosses.

    What language does he speak?
           He speaks Hindi.

    Where do they leave their bikes.
           They leave their bikes at the train station.

    Who is this?
           This is the president of the association.

    Where do the dabbawallas come from?
           They come from the same villages.

    How much are they paid?
           They are paid an equal income / salary.

    How to make a question in English:



    - test mardi 05/04 sur la formation des questions = être capable de poser des questions sur une information connue ou nouvelle concernant un sujet familier (les dabbawallas).

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  • Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi abbiamo cominciato la nuova sequenza sulla città e l'ambiente con un ripasso del lessico dei mezzi di trasporto:

    Download « Mezzi di trasporto.pdf »


    il motorino/lo scooter - il monopattino - il treno (TAV : treno alta velocità) - la bici

    la metropolitana - il tram - a piedi - l'autobus - la macchina - il vaporetto

    COMPITI per giovedi' 31 marzo:

    apprendre le lexique des moyens de transports + recopier la trace écrite du lundi 21 mars (contrôle des cahiers)


    29/03 pas d'italien le jeudi 28 avril. Rattrapages : le mardi 5 avril + le mardi 26 avril à 11h


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