• Hi guys,

    today we finished the lesson at the computer room and we corrected your exercise. Next time (Monday), you will have to complete your final task.



    - bien connaître le vocabulaire nécessaire et ses verbes (au passé = réguliers et irréguliers).
    - vous aurez à comprendre un passage du LORAX et à le sous-titrer (tâche finale).
    - apporter ses écouteurs.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we first made a recap of what you knew about Ashleigh Hall. Good job for many of you who remembered quite a lot!

    Then we continued the class with a new video about Kimberley who lost her job because of Facebook. Here is what we said about her:

    A young woman was sacked from her old job because she said on Facebook that she was bored.
    Her boss fired her because she was not happy and she had worked in the company for only three weeks.
    He was disappointed. He wanted to invest on her, for his business and the future.
    When she was fired, she cried.



    - contrôle de vocabulaire sur les leçons "Internet" (chanson add me + ashleigh + facebook)

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  • Hi guys,

    today only THREE students out of NINE! had done their homework... what a shame...! Let me tell you that the average grades for the end of this year are not gonna be pretty...

    Then Poppy was there and you worked on "interviewing a star who had moved to London". You did an OK job.



    - ceux qui n'ont pas rendu leur travail doivent le faire pour jeudi.
    - ceux qui ont rendu leur travail doivent le corriger et le recopier au propre.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we went to the computer room where you had to create subtitles for an extract from the Lorax.
    Lots of you did quite a good job! Bravo!

    We'll finish and correct this exercise tomorrow.



    - bien réviser les leçons sur le Lorax.
    - tâche finale (vendredi): comprendre un extrait du Lorax et sous-titrer un passage pour donner les pensées du personnage à l'époque.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we went to the computer room. Many of you really didn't behave properly... what a shame!

    You had to finish completing your webquest about "Ashleigh Hall".



    - terminer l'affiche de présentation d'un danger d'internet pour mercredi.

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