• Analysing and creating Vincent's story

    Hi guys,

    today we finished talking about Vincent. Next time, we're gonna create our own version of this short animated film.

    Here is the story of the different parts you analysed:

    Vincent's Nightmare: reality VS fiction

    It's the 1st time that Vincent changes his personality. It's easy for him. His cat is the only being who has witnessed this change. He's scared of course. He is surrounded by horrible toys that come from his imagination.
    "This is my cat. I love him so much. But suddenly... he goes away...? Why? He is normally so affectionate..."

    Part 2:
    He changes his personality for the 2nd time. He believes that he is bizarre cannibal who wants to kill his mother. He cooks and melts her in a cauldron full of acid.
    He is a sort of witch who does experiments. He transforms his dog into a monster.

    Part 3:
    He wants to recreate his mother because he thinks he's killed her. He idealizes her in his head and he pays her tribute; he regrets killing her. He tries to bury her until a woman stops him. He's burying something that is not real.

    Part 4:
    Because the woman has woken him up from his schizophrenia, now it's like spirits or demons inside him are haunting his imagination.
    His delirium is over. He thinks about all the dreams he has had. The figures are everyone that he's killed or experimented on.
    He wants to become Vincent Malloy but he can't. Everything has melted away: his dreams, his personality, his childhood, his life...



    - relire l'histoire construite et sélectionner les phrases que vous avez créées pour être dites / narrées sur le court métrage et veillez à ce qu'elles correspondent bien à l'image / son / situation / histoire créée par vous.

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