
    Monday, May 14th (the fourteenth) 2018.








    Superheroes and superheroines have powers, they are good.




    Villains are evil.




    Superheroes can fly, stop a train with hands, fight villains and help people.




    Villains can transform into monsters, be invisible, use black magic and imagine evil plans!




    They all live very dangerous adventures !








    stop= arrêter






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  • Hello everyone!


    Aujourd'hui, nous avons tous  joué les dialogues, puis vous avez fait l'exercice 5 du livre page 67.




    For Friday 11/05:

    -finir l'exercice du livre.

    -Faire WB page 55  Ex 6

    -Revoir la leçon du vendredi 4 mai.


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  • Hello everyone!


    Here is today's lesson:



    Friday, May 4th (the fourth) 2018




    What's your profile?




    -CAN you + BASE VERBALE…? (la capacité)


    • Can you swim ?

    • Can you play an instrument ?

    • Can you ride a horse ?




    Réponses courtes: Yes, I can / No, I can't.




    -Do you like + V -ING… ?


    • Do you like watching TV ?

    • Do you like playing videogames ?

    • Do you like playing outside ?




    Réponses courtes : Yes, I do/ No, I don't.




    For Monday 7/05 :



    - Apprendre deux rôles du dialogue au choix.








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  • ---------------------

    Revoir le vocabulaire du jour.

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  • Hello everybody !


    This is today's lesson:



    Monday, April 30th (the thirtieth) 2018




    LESSON 2 : A mysterious family!




    The picture:


    This is a bedroom. There are four people: Oliver, Amelia, Tim and Sophia.


    They are talking about family.




    The video:




    • Uncle Mike is Oliver and Amelia's uncle. He can charm animals and people and he can play a lot of instruments.




    • Grandma Wintera can freeze water and time. She is very grumpy !




    • Grandad Wulver is a werewolf : he's very scary ! He is very strong and he can run very fast. He loves eating !




    • Grandad Alfred is Sophia's grandfather. He hasn't got powers but he loves cooking and he can make wonderful cookies !




    Leçon par coeur, réécouter le dialogue: copier-coller le lien suivant: 

    https://vimeopro.com/user36345481/story-time-ibyc-anglais-6e/video/222193007    (ou via pronotes)

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