• Hello,

    Aujourd'hui, vous avez mémorisé le script du premier épisode de la famille Jones en utilisant des gestes.

    Homework for Monday 9th:

    - s'entraîner à jouer tous les rôles en écoutant le fichier audio sur Pronote.



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    A new school

    Tomorrow is day one in the new school.

    Amelia and Oliver have got a secret identity and superpowers.

    They are twins.

    They are eleven.

    They live in Liverpool.

    Amelia is very quiet and adorable.

    Oliver is sporty, very creative but he is not funny.

    Morph is very intelligent and special.

    Homework for Tuesday 3rd:

    - être capable de présenter Oliver and Amelia (leçon par coeur)

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    The boy is between 11 and 14.

    The girl is between 8 and 12.

    I think the family is British or American…

    Homework for Monday 2nd:

    - apprendre “Anticipation”

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    A family in the living-room

    The document is a screenshot.

    I can see a family in a living-room: a dad, a mum, a sister and a brother.

    There is an orange hamster next to the TV set.

    In the living-room, there is a coffee table, an armchair and a sofa.

    There are books and there is a clock on the shelf.

    On the table, there is a remote and a joystick and there are books.

    There are three windows and there are two curtains.

    Homework for Thursday 28th:

    - être capable de présenter l’image U1L2 “A family in the living-room”

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  • Hello,

    Today, you had a test on Lesson 1 Unit 1.

    Then, we did the correction.

    No homework.


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