• Hi guys,

    today we worked on Olivia's poem again and we completed some exercises from your worksheet.



    - finir l'exercice 4.
    - bien connaître son vocabulaire, et la prononciation des rimes du poème.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we talked about Malaki and his mother's personality again and you had to complete a worksheet with vocabulary.

    Then we started to study Olivia's poem. You had to fill in the missing words and we worked on pronunciation.



    - commencer à bien préparer la tâche finale (questions du jury / présentation personnelle / talent)
    - si vous n'arrivez pas à vous trouver un talent... vous devrez apprendre par coeur le poème d'Olivia... alors commencez à vous y mettre sérieusement pour être prêt le jour J!

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  • Hey, 

    today we worked on the final extract from Britain's Got Talent about Malaki. 
    You had to watch it and concentrate on the personalities of the mother and the son. 

    Here is what you finally said: 

    Malaki is a bit nervous and scared because he is shy but he is courageous. He doesn't run backstage when there is a problem / when he gets a stage fright
    Malaki's mother is a bit nervous too. She is worried about him but she is encouraging, supportive, and reassuring. She is determined



    - apprendre la leçon PAR COEUR!

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first took your test and then we discussed very briefly about what you thought would happen to Olivia; we watched the extract to the end when she gets "three yeses"!

    See you next time for the continuation of the sequence (we have nearly finished it... so get your talents ready!!!)

    Mr Hattais.

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  • Hi guys!

    What about watching this video before your test on Tuesday... wouldn't it be a GOOOOOD idea?

    Take care...
    Mr Hattais.

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