• Hello everyone,


    Yesterday, we started a new lesson about Halloween.

    We listened to a song and answered some questions.

    Here is our document :

    Answers :

    Intro :

    - It makes me feel scared / frightened.

    - It reminds me of ghosts, Halloween...

    Part 1 :

    - The ghost is in the castle, at the top of the tower.

    - He goes to the top of the tower.

    Part 2 :

    - The ghost is at the top of the tower.

    - He can fly and slide.

    Part 3 :

    - adjectives : you are brave or scared or very well prepared.

    - To fight the ghost, you need a sword and an armour.


    HOMEWORK : learn the sentences (voir les phrases repérées dans le cahier)

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  • Hello everybody,


    Today, you had a test about everything we did this year.

    You had four exercises :


    Ex 1 : Find the orders (positive and negative) : examples : Don't run in the corridors ! Put up your hand !

    Ex 2 : Spot the lie ! You had to read a text and find one or two lies :

    That's a lie ! You are not thirty-seven years old / She isn't 37.

    You are young / She is young.

    You are not blond, you have got brown hair ! / She isn't blond, she has got brown hair.

    You are not = You aren't


    Ex 3 : Ask for permission.


    Ex 4 : Nancy's dream.


    HOMEWORK : learn the lesson (correction of ex 2)

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  • Hello everybody,

    These are the two last lessons we had :


    - Asking for permission :

    -> Can I go to the nurse, please ?

    -> Can someone give me a tissue, please ?

    -> Can I go to the toilets, please ?

    -> Can you repeat, please ?

    -> Can I put on my coat, please ?


    -> Could you step aside, please ?

    -> Could you switch on the lights, please ?

    -> Could you open the window, please ?


    Next lesson : Nancy

    We looked at a comic strip and we imagined what Nancy was going to dream about.


    This is the lesson :

    I think / I guess / I believe / I imagine / I suppose she is going to think about a unicorn / her friends / her birthday.

    Actually, she is thinking about the explosion of her school / her school blowing up / her school exploding.



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  • Hello everybody,


    Today, we played a game : spot the lie !

    Pupils in the class introduced themselves and they told a lie.

    So, you said : "that's a lie" and you corrected their mistake.

    This is the lesson :

    My name is Kadda.
    I am twelve.
    I live in Bron.
    I'm crazy aboutcool tennis ! > That's a lie ! You are fond ofyes football !

    HOMEWORK : learn the lesson.

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  • Hello everyone !

    It was nice to see you again !

    So, yesterday, we worked on the class contract (what you need to have in your bag, what you have to do at home and in class).

    Then, we discovered or rediscovered vocabulary about school rules.

    Homework : learn the vocabulary from number 1 to number 8.

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