• Hi!

    Today, you worked in groups and we talked about rules at Joliot Curie.

    In your copybooks:

    Thursday, November 5th

    Homework for Friday 6th: être capable de donner 5 règles de la classe.



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  • Hi!

    Today we did a recap about possession and permissions and then we talked about rules in class.

    Here's the lesson:

    School rules


    You must be on time in class. = You mustn’t be late.

    You mustn’t drink sodas in class.

    You mustn’t use your mobile in class.

    You can ask questions but you must put up your hand.

    You must speak English in class!


    Can you pull down the blinds?


    Homework for Thursday 5th:

    Apprendre leçon par coeur.

    Aller sur le blog faire le jeu de vocabulaire.

    Rattrapage cours mardi 10 à 15h30.




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  • Hi guys!

    I hope you're having a good time!

    Here's a new game to learn vocabulary from the lesson:

    See you soon!

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  • Hi guys!

    Today, we talked about School life and we did an exercise in your copybook.

    Here's the lesson:


    What’s the English for « se pousser sur le côté » ?

    -       It’s « step aside ».

    How do you say “mal à la tête” in English?

    -       It’s “headache”. 

     It’s too bright. Can you pull down the blinds, please?

    I’m tired and I have a headache. Can I go to the nurse, please?

    I was absent yesterday (= Thursday, for the cross), because I had a stomach ache.


    Homework for Monday, November 2nd:

    Apprendre leçon par cœur + revoir toute la leçon 2. Aller sur le blog pour faire exercices.

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  • Hi guys!

    Comme nous n'avons pas pu travailler correctement à cause de votre comportement, nous rattraperons le cours MARDI 10 NOVEMBRE de 15h30 à 16h30.

    Today, we talked about School life again.

    Here's your lesson:

    School life - PART 2


    4. I’m hot! Can you open the window, please?

    5. I have a headache. Can I go to the nurse, please?

    6. I’m very thirsty. Can I go to the toilet?

    7. I can’t see the board. Could you step aside, please?

    8. I can’t see the board. Can you switch on the lights, please?

    9. I don’t understand. Can you repeat, please?

    L’auxiliaire CAN s’utilise pour demander un service ou une permission.

    CAN’T permet d’insister sur une incapacité à faire quelque chose.

    L’auxiliaire COULD sert à être plus poli.

    Homework for Friday 16th : Apprendre leçon par cœur et réécouter AUDIO ICI.






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