•  Hello,

    Aujourd’hui, je vous ai expliqué la tâche finale : créer une vidéo pour postuler à Britain’s got talent (que nous enverrons à vos correspondant.e.s) et vous vous êtes entraînés avec des candidat.e.s fictifs.

    Will Harris’s application 


    My name is Will Harris and I’m from Canada.

    I’m twenty-eight years old and I live in Toronto.

    I have a son, his name is Sam and he’s two years old.

    I have two cats.

    I’m very helpful, I’m quite romantic but I’m not tidy at all. My room is a mess!

    I love listening to music, I like reading books and roller skating but I don’t like riding a bike.

    I can sing extremely well but I can’t dance !

    Now, let me show you my talent !

    Homework for Monday 14th:

    - réflechir à son talent

    - revoir tous les candidats pour trouver des idées pour se présenter.




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  • Hello,

    Today, you commented Olivia’s audition.

    Olivia’s audition

    Her name is Olivia, she is seven years old and she is a schoolgirl. She came with her mum. She is very cute and small.

    She loves delivering poems about endangered animals.

    She has a snake on her shoulders. Its name is Lucy.

    She is very funny, quite energetic but she’s not shy at all. She is very brave and passionate.

    She wants to become a zoologist because she wants to protect animals.

    Homework for Tuesday 8th:

    - être capable de parler d’Olivia.


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    Today, you discovered a new candidate!

    Asanda’s presentation and personality

    Her name is Asanda and she’s eleven.

    She came with her dad, her mum and her little brother.

    She is small and cute.

    She is very funny, energetic and easy-going: she moves a lot. She isn’t shy at all. She is extremely cheerful.

    She is not hard-working at all because she hates doing her homework.

    She is a fan of Beyonce and Rihanna.

    She thinks she is a diva.

    So Asanda is not like Malaki.

    The jury and the spectators are impressed and shocked, they applaud her.

    I believe she can sing and dance quite well.

    I think she will be eliminated from the TV show, because her audition is not very good.

    Homework for Monday 7th: être capable de parler de Asanda.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you had a test on a new candidate : Jasmine!

    No homework.

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  • Hello,

    Aujourd’hui, vous avez parlé de votre personnalité et de celle de Malaki. Nous avons terminé la fiche d’exercices.  

    Homework for Tuesday 18th:

    - être capable de parler de sa personnalité

    - TEST sur un.e autre candidat.e – tout réviser depuis le début.

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