
    Charles Dickens was* born in 1812, in Portsmouth.

    He was* a famous writer.

    He moved to London when he was* a child.

    He worked in a factory because his family was poor.

    He married Catherine Hogarth and they had* 10 children.

    They divorced in 1858.

    He started writing and became* famous at 24.

    He wrote* Oliver Twist.

    He died suddenly in 1870.


    Mots interrogatifs: WH-
    Who / Where / When / What / How / Why (+ how many / how much / ...)

    When was he born?
    What was his job?
    When did he start writing?
    When did he become famous?
    What book did he write?


    - apprendre la leçon = être capable de parler de la biographie de Charles Dickens.
    - écrire sa lettre au correspondant en français (à rendre lundi).
    - préparer un poster (pour Jeudi) sur une personne célèbre du monde anglophone (décédée) pour la présenter à la classe à l'oral, sans note. Sur ce poster, vous ne devrez mettre que des illustrations qui vous permettront de parler de la vie de cette personne (pas de MOTS!)

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    your comment
  • Hi,

    today we continued speaking about the visit to Madame Tussaud's wax museum and then we talked about the famous people that the penfriends saw at the museum.

    Preterite + Biographies

    Preterite + Biographies

    Preterite + Biographies



    - savoir faire une phrase au passé (verbes réguliers / irréguliers / négation au passé)
    - remplir la fiche donnée en conjuguant les verbes au prétérit.
    - Répondre aux correspondants anglais en français. (Faire une JOLIE lettre que l'on enverra la semaine prochaine).

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    your comment
  • Hi guys,

    as you needed to speak in French about what happened last week end in France, we dedicated one hour to speak about the subject.

    We'll resume the normal course of our studies tomorrow.

    Take care,


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    your comment
  • The document is a dialogue.
    Lucy says she went* to the wax museum with her penfriend. They visited London.
    First, they went* to the royal family section. They took* pictures of Queen Elizabeth II. They saw* Lady Diana and Camilla too.

    Henry VIII: He had* 6 wives. He executed 2 of his wives. He created the Church of England.


    She travelled back in time... -> uh? What? What do you mean? Can you explain?



    - savoir parler de la visite des correspondants à Londres et de ce qu'ils y ont vu.

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    your comment
  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on the picture of the royal family again and we started to listen to an audio document.
    Here is what you said:

    On the picture, there are wax statues of the royal family.
    They are not real people.

    The hair stylist is real and she is combing / brushing / dressing the Queen's hair / wig.

    The uniform:
    It's the 50th anniversary of her reign. She is wearing rich clothes and accessories.

    The royal family tree:

    Elizabeth II -> Prince Charles (son) -> Prince William (grand-son) -> Prince George (great grand-son)

    The anniversary of Elizabeth's reign



    - apprendre sa leçon par coeur
    - souligner le nouveau vocabulaire et le reporter dans son carnet.

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