• ______________________


    - finir ou refaire les fiches demandées pour les rendre jolies et affichables!

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  • Aaron: He was drinking at a pub. He left at 2 a.m
    Francis: He was showing his collection of female organs.
    Mary: She was working at the hospital.
    John: He was watching a fire on the dock.
    Montague: He committed suicide on Nov 9th
    Prince Albert: He was sleeping at his castle (Sandrigham)
    George: He was buying a potion for his wife.

    The Alibis + Questions



    - test lundi 08/02 = APPORTER SES ÉCOUTEURS!
    * Compréhension orale (écoute d'une interview de suspect)
    * Lecture de texte (contrôle de la prononciation de Be+ing conjugué au passé).

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  • Hi guys,

    today we first made a recap of all the questions you could ask to a suspect in a murder case and we compared them with actual questions from a police interview.



    Then you started listing all the details about your suspects to create a profile of the potential murderer.

    Here are some things you said so far (not in the copybooks yet):

    Many suspects look bizarre.
    Many lived in Whitechapel.
    Some had a police record.
    Aaron was a hair dresser / John was a bootmaker / Mary was a midwife / Montague was a barrister ...
    ... so they had access to potential weapons (drugs, knives, scissors, razors, scalpels, ...).

    Most important questions for you:
    What's your job?
    What were you doing yesterday night? (alibi)
    Where were you?
    Were you with someone?
    What did you see?



    - revoir les questions et le profil des suspects pour pouvoir en reparler en classe (recap de leçon).

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  • Hi guys,

    today you could interrogate the suspects from the case. I impersonated them all and you had to listen carefully, take notes, cross-examine them and think... we'll share your findings to the class next time... until then... good thinking!



    - préparer une série de questions complètes que l'on peut poser à un témoin pour vérifier son témoignage (identité, alibi, ...)

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished listening to the altered testimony of George Hutchinson.
    Here is what you we wrote:

    Creating a Story (3)



    - s'entraîner à dire le témoignage en entier (TOUS les morceaux 1-2-3) et faire particulièrement attention à la prononciation de la forme BE+ing.
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