• Hi guys,

    today it was back to school after a two-week break! Yeah!

    Mr Hill finished the presentation of his background and he told you about one time when he got lost snow-shoeing in the mountains in Washington State... Did you like his story? Do you think that he is a hero like Aaron? ;)

    Here is what you finally said:

    If I were lost in a snowy forest, I would ...

    • do like Mr Hill.
    • phone my mother
    • call 911
    • make a fire and melt snow
    • wait for the rescue next to the fire so that I wouldn't die of exposure.

    NB: 32°F = 0°C



    - être capable de parler d'une situation de survie.
    - pour le jeudi 13 novembre = contrôle -> analyse d'une image de campagne publicitaire sur le thème "emergency" et "protection of nature".

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued the lesson about the campaign to raise awareness for WWF and climate change.



    Recap - ironic allegory


    Recap - ironic allegory

    Other possible campaigns (prepare for the test here).



    - être capable de respecter le schéma d'analyse d'une campagne d'information sur l'urgence de la situation concernant le climat de la planète.

    - ré-écouter le document sonore (appel téléphonique au secours) ---- à venir


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  • Hi guys,

    today I let you finish your test very quickly and then we continued the lesson with a new topic:

    "I'm an EMT"

    Here is the document we started to comment on:

    911 - It's an emergency!

    Here is what you said:

    The document is a poster. It's a campaign for WWF. It's an ironic allegory of the planet and people.

    The scene takes place in a lost countryside. It's almost at night as the sun is setting. There is only one house in the background. It looks haunted and dilapidated.

    There is a car in the field. There has been an accident. The car skidded out of the road. There is a person and they need help.


    The goal of the campaign is to make people react. It is a warning to protect the planet against climate change. The temperatures are rising; the planet is heating up and we are doing nothing like the EMTs in the picture.

    Instead of rescuing the driver, they are eating / urinating / calling someone...! Like us, instead of acting against climate change, we are waiting for the catastrophe.



    - être capable de reparler du document (description) et savoir en faire l'analyse. Quels éléments de l'image sont des allégories? (des "métaphores visuelles")

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first met Davis Hill, our new language assistant. You asked many questions and he showed you where he was from.

    Then you continued the class with a test.



    - no homework! So be nice! =)

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished the lessons about "supporting the next American president".

    Very good performances today! Wow! I'm impressed!

    Next time, don't forget your little test.



    - préparer le test final (écrit et compréhension orale de cette séquence) disponible sur le blog.

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