• He is obsessed with his neighbour or a child.
    He is dangerous / menacing / threatening.
    He's gonna kill / kidnap / rob his victim.
    He's a nazi.


    wrinkles (des rides)



    - revoir les leçons sur les réseaux sociaux et la chanson (devoir vendredi ou lundi).
    - rendre son article de journal en utilisant le lien madmagz donné.

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  • His mother hates him because...:

    ... he may have whined all the time when he was a baby.
    ... he may have cried all the time.
    ... he may have had an accident and today he is handicapped.
    ... the baby may have been an accident.

    MAY HAVE + p. passé = exprimer une hypothèse sur un fait passé.


    Physical portrait:
    Maybe he is fat because he doesn't have an activity.
    He is in his bedroom all the time and he drinks alcohol.
    Perhaps he is ugly: he has many spots on his face; he is smelly: he never uses the bathroom and he has a long beard.
    He is disgusting.
    Moreover, one of his victims may have scarred him.

    You should ...
          * get out.
          * do more physical activity.
          * eat healthy.
          * stop being a psychopath.
          * take a shower.
          * change your profile picture.

    You shouldn't ...
          * drink alcohol.
          * post nude pictures on Facebook.
          * attack children.


    a couch potato (quelqu'un qui ne fait rien de ses journées)
    (une paire de jumelles)



    - apprendre la leçon = être capable de faire le portrait moral et le portrait physique imaginé + savoir donner des conseils (avec "should") ou faire un reproche (avec "shouldn't")

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on the song again and we continued the portrait of the man. Here is what we said:

    This man is a loner. He doesn't have friends. He wants to add friends on Facebook.

    He is a pervert. His profile picture is a nude picture. He is obsessed with nudity and guns.
    He is a fetishist.
    Maybe he a child abuser, a sex offender or a psychopath. [saiko]

    His typical day:
    He drinks whisky in his bed.
    He gets up and spies on children and girls in the street from his bedroom.
    He dresses up in his costume and the voices in his head say: "attack the kid", "find a victim", "post your nude picture on your profile"...

    -> he is a psychopath.



    - apprendre ses leçons = être capable de faire le portrait moral du personnage de la chanson.

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  • Today...

    that was pitiful... how can you think that not working for your final task will give good points..........?


    We continued speaking of the song about Facebook and we tried to understand the lyrics and the character better. Here is what we said:


    He is lonely, angry, hateful and dangerous. He hates people. He is a desperate loner.

    In the song, there is a contrast between the melody and the lyrics. There are repetitions and rhymes.



    - apprendre la leçon.
    - se débrouiller en concernant vos délégués pour trouver la meilleure façon de rendre votre tâche finale. Je ne dépenserai pas une minute supplémentaire de mon temps pour ce travail.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued listening to the song. Here is what we said:



    The song is joyful / lively / positive... but the lyrics are dark.

    - the mother is depressed [t] because the dad fled away from home.
    - the baby was an accident.
    - the child made the biggest mistake in his life.
    - he killed his sister in a car crash.
    - he cut his sister's hand ...
    - the man is crazy or handicapped [t].

    Possible structures:

    * The dad may have fled away from home.
    * The baby may have been an accident.
    * The man may have killed his sister in a car crash.

    Subject + MAY + HAVE-p.passé



    - apprendre la leçon = savoir dire pourquoi la mère dit: "I wished I'd never had you" à son fils. (j'aurais voulu ne jamais t'avoir eu / enfanté).

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