• Hi guys,

    today we worked on Frankenstein's story with Mr Hill.

    You had to associate a picture with a caption and re-organize the story line.

    Finally, Mr Hill read an excerpt from the book (chapter 5) and you had to try and find its place in the chronology of the book.

    We'll continue this next Monday.



    - vous pouvez relire le texte distribué pour essayer de mieux le comprendre et être bien préparé pour la prochaine fois.

    - vous DEVEZ être capable de me dire où va ce texte dans la chronologie d'événements étudiés en cours et justifier votre choix en anglais!

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on how to create questions about some facts from a video about the dabbawala service.

    You identified many possibilities.

    We'll finish this next time.

    Until then, you can watch the video here (in Hindi and English) and try to understand things better:



    - regarder la vidéo (et préparer de nouvelles questions sur ce que vous n'avez pas compris?)
    - pour lundi 01/12 -> préparer par groupe de table une 4ème page de couverture (résumé) pour l'un des livres dont nous avons étudié la 1ère de couverture (Dracula / Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Frankenstein / Beowulf).

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on "monsters in English literature" with a presentation by Mr Hill.

    I hope you liked and that you will have nightmares tonight.... mouahaha! Just kidding!



    - en début d'heure demain, nous reviendrons rapidement sur ce qui a été dit aujourd'hui et vous devrez préparer la 4ème page de couverture d'une des histoires que l'on vous a racontée.

    - n'oubliez pas de bien réviser les infos sur les dabbawalas en Inde!

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  • Hi guys,

    today after motivating you to participate in the "Big Challenge" contest, we continued our class about India.

    Here is what we said after watching the video:

    Recap: the dabbawala service

    Dabba and dabbawala are Hindi words.

    In India, more precisely in Mumbai (the biggest city in India), about 200,000 clients / customers use the service everyday.

    The delivery men carry the lunch boxes on their heads. They don't have cars to deliver the food in schools and offices.

    On the lid of the box, there is a code in colours. Dabbawallas wear a white uniform.

    They never make a mistake = they are very efficient and impressive!



    - apprendre la leçon = savoir parler du système des dabbawalas en anglais + finir de recopier sa leçon et/ou surligner les mots à connaître et les reporter dans son carnet de vocabulaire.

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  • Hi guys,

    today after recording your TV show, we started a new sequence entitled: INDIA!

    Document 1: the dabba -> the lunch box (a Hindi word)

    "Dabba" is a Hindi word for "lunch box".
    The "dabbawallas" are delivery men in India (in Mumbai).
    They deliver food to schools and offices.
    On the lid, there is a code in colour.

    Here is the document that we'll watch next time about the "dabba".



    - regarder la vidéo et se préparer à parler du système des "dabbawallas" en Inde.

    Correction for the test (ex. 4) + New Sequence: INDIA!

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