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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we listened to Felix talking about the tradition of the poppy.

    Your mindmap is in your copybooks.


    Then we focussed on Moina Michaels and John Mc Crae, he wrote a poem abot his dead freind 'In Flanders Fields' Here is an audio version:



    For Friday 27/11

    Faire des recherches sur les deux personnes vues en cours et rédiger 2 ou 3 phrases en anglais sur chacune d'entre elles.

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  • Tuesday, November 27th


    Interpretation of the painting


    The school things:

    Ruby has 2 copybooks in her hand, one brown book and one blue with white stars.

    She has a ruler and two pens.

    I think the ruler is for the new rules of desegregation. She has the power to change the future in her hands. She has the power to write the new rules a UNiTED country.


    The crack in the wall:

    There is a crack in the wall separating the racist slur “nigger”.

    I believe it shows the change of mentalities. It’s the end of racism.


    The pavement:

    The pavement may symbolize a timeline for Afro-Americans: the past (slavery), the present (segregation and desegregation), the future (a new better world).

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  •  Hello,

    Today, you discovered what actually happens in the video !

    The reality

    What happens?

    In reality, one jury member is moved so she goes on stage and comforts Malaki.

    His mum runs on stage too and she hugs Malaki. She cries too.

    The audience encourage and applaud him.

    Finally, Malaki continues to sing and stops to cry.

    Homework for Thursday 29th:

    - être capable de faire des prédictions au futur et dire ce qui se passe en réalité.

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  • Hello,

    Auourd’hui, nous avons travaillé sur la compréhension écrite page 1 2 et 13 WB.


    Adele is thirty.

    She is from London.

    She’s a singer and she is very famous.

    She is a mother. Her son is Angelo.

    Her mother is artistic.

    Her father is Welsh.

    She loves music but she hates sports.

    Homework for Thursday 29th:

    - être capable de parler d’Adele.

    - commencer à réviser toute l’unité 1 leçon 2: A new start! (TEST LUNDI)

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