• Hello,

    Today, we talked about how to explain a problem and ask for a permission.

    Monday, November 5th

    Homework for Wednesday 7th:

    - être capable d'expliquer un problème et demander une permission pour le résoudre (FICHE)

    - tout réviser en vue du test de JEUDI 8.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Last lesson, we correcetd te workbook exercises and you dreated very scary pumpkins!

    Here is the song we watched:




    Reviser tout le cahier pour lundi 5 novembre!

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  • Monday, November 5th


    Food and Drinks at Charlton School


    They can drink water during lesson time but they mustn’t drink fizzy drinks and cans.


    Parents must give food for lunch to their children.


    PE Kit

    Students can take a shower. They must have a towel when they take a shower. They can use roll-on deodorant but they mustn’t use spray deodorants.



    Students can wear trainers when they have medical reasons.



    pour le 06.11 = test sur les règles à l’école (Joliot + Charlton)

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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EOI: ritual de clase + repaso

    - EOC: Me presento como Luz y Hugo

    - CO: Preguntas para presentarse

    Para el 6 de noviembre de 2018:

    - être capable de poser et répondre à des questions pour se présenter

    - recopier les 5 réponses au propre sur le cahier


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  • Monday, November 5th


    At the school


    I think the scene takes place at school in the 1980’s.


    There was* a demonstration against the school.


    Maybe a teacher punched the children in their classes. They were violent.

    I suppose a teacher was* unfair because they gave* bad scores to children for no reason.

    I guess a teacher taught* incorrect things to the children. He or she was* stupid.


    So the mothers of the students protested in the classes and in front of the school. They took* their children out of school.

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