• ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - CE: corrección de la evaluación

    - EE: corrección de la evaluación

    Vocabulario: buscar / chatear / desear / contestar = responder

    - corrección del proyecto final EOI

    Para el 30 de noviembre de 2016:

    - revoir le vocabulaire et les verbes

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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - CO / CE: corrección de las evaluaciones

    - EE: corrección de la evaluación

    Vocabulario: buscar / chatear / desear / contestar = responder

    - corrección del proyecto final EOI

    Para el 28 de noviembre de 2016:

    - revoir le vocabulaire et les verbes

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  •   Hello!

    Today, you played again The Mystery Classmate’s game. Then, you revised for Monday’s test.

    The Mystery Classmate

    It's a girl.

    She is twelve years old.

    She doesn't have any brothers and sisters.

    She has one cat.

    She doesn't have any favourite school subject.

    She loves playing football.

    She enjoys watching Gulli.

    She doesn't have a favourite singer.

    She hates eating white chocolate.


    Homework for Monday 28th: reviser toute la sequence “Let’s talk about you” pour le test.

    -être capable de parler de soi ou de d’un.e ami.e.

    - des activités que l’on aime faire ou non.


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  • Hello!

    Today, you listened to a dialogue and then told* me everything you understood*. You did a very good job!

    Document 2: Visit to Madame Tussauds

    This document is a dialogue between Lucy and her friend (a boy).

    Lucy says she visited London and went* to Madame Tussauds Museum with her penfriend.

    In the museum, they went* to the Royal Family room, they took* pictures with the Queen, Lady Diana and Camilla.

    Henry VIII: he had* 6 wives and he executed two of them. He created the Church of England.

    Her penfriend liked the pop stars room. She kissed Brad Pitt!

    Thursday, November 24th

    Homework for Monday 28th:

    -          Compléter la fiche de suivi oral trimestrielle

    -          Apprendre la leçon et réécouter le fichier audio.

    -          Connaître les verbes irréguliers de la ceinture blanche + ceux vus depuis le début de la leçon.

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