• ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EOC: Me presento

    - CO: Primeros contactos con el mundo hispano

    - EOi: Diálogo de presentación (trace écrite)

    Séquence 2, séance 2

    Para el 17 de octubre de 2016:

    - être capable de jouer le dialogue de présentation, ie. questions et réponses

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  • Hello!


    Aujourd'hui nous avons fait un entrainement au spelling bee, puis nous avons continué à travailler les chiffres.

    Vous avez fait des calculs simples pour réviser les chiffres en anglais...


    For Friday 14/10: revoir les chiffres de 1 à 1000.


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  • Add me- the end.




    Today we finished working on the song.


    For Friday 14/10: Revise the lesson. (+trouver 5 conseils à donner au personnage de la chanson.)

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  • It's a funny ad.
    The product is "milk".
    There are four characters (the family with the mother and the children; and the neighbour).
    The scene takes place at lunch in the kitchen and in the yard / garden.

    The mother is cooking vegetables and the children are eating.
    There is a close-up on the product (in the middle and in the foreground): milk is important / vital.


    Arguments of the commercial:
    The scientific arguments:
    - milk is good for your health. There are many vitamins and much calcium. It's good for your bones.
    The "mother" arguments:
    - It's good to grow up and be strong.

    -> You should drink milk for every meal.

    The targets:
    - everyone because the ad is funny but in particular kids and old people.

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  • It's a girl.
    She is thirteen.

    She has 3 brothers but she doesn't have any sisters.
    She doesn't have any pets.

    She likes studying music.
    She loves dancing.
    She is crazy about listening to "Jul".
    She doesn't like watching the news on television.

    -> I guess it's ... Ilhem.
    -> I'm sure it's...




    The mystery classmate

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