• Hello!

    On Monday and Friday, we worked on Christmas traditions in the UK. 

    On Monday, you made your own crackers and exchanged them.

    On Friday, you played your dialogues in front of the class...

    ENJOY your Christmas Holidays... and Happy New Year!

    Friday, December 18th

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  • Hi everyone,

    we began the year today with journey to the future... What will happen in 2016?

    Here is what you said:

    1- The regions in France will change.
    2- February will have 29 days.

    3- The Queen will celebrate her birthday. She will be 90 years old. (90 = ninety)
    4- Everybody will celebrate William Shakespeare's death.
    5- Everybody in the USA will vote for a new president.
    6- France will organize the soccer European championship.
    7- Brazil will host the Olympic Games.



    - apprendre ces événements et être capables de parler d'événements qui vont se passer dans le futur et en 2016 en particulier.

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  • Hi everyone,

    we began the year today with journey to the future... What will happen in 2016?

    Here is what you said:

    1- The regions in France will change.
    2- In February, there will be 29 days.

    3- England will celebrate the 90th birthday of the queen.
    4- The world will commemorate Shakespeare's death.
    5- The Americans will elect a new president.
    6- France will host the soccer European championship.
    7- Brazil will organize the Olympic Games.



    - apprendre ces événements et être capables de parler d'événements qui vont se passer dans le futur et en 2016 en particulier.

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  • Hi everyone,

    you first you had to find 9 elements missing in a painting to reconstruct the scene when Ruby Bridges goes to school alone and then we listened to an analysis of the painting to complete yours. You can see the full painting again below.

    Ruby Bridges is alone but she is determined to go to school. She is wearing only white (a white dress, ribbon, socks, shoes, ...). The white protesters are more organized. There is a graffitti on the wall (an insult and the name of a racist cult).

    Audio analysis:

    Extract 2 (differences) and Normal Rockwell's painting



    - être capable d'analyser quelques éléments du tableau => test oral et/ou écrit.

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  • Hi everyone,

    you first took a flash test about obligation and interdictions in the past and then we talked about extract 2 that we watched before the holidays and then you had to find 9 elements missing in a painting to reconstruct the scene when Ruby Bridges goes to school alone. You can see the full painting again below.

    Ruby Bridges is alone but she is determined to go to school. She is wearing only white (a white dress, ribbon, socks, shoes, ...). The white protesters are more organized. There is a graffitti on the wall (an insult and the name of a racist cult).

    We started the analysis of the details and we'll write the lesson about it next time.

    Extract 2 (differences) and Normal Rockwell's painting



    - être capable d'analyser quelques éléments du tableau.

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