• Hi guys,

    today we continued listening to the song. Here is what we said:



    The song is joyful / lively / positive... but the lyrics are dark.

    - the mother is depressed [t] because the dad fled away from home.
    - the baby was an accident.
    - the child made the biggest mistake in his life.
    - he killed his sister in a car crash.
    - he cut his sister's hand ...
    - the man is crazy or handicapped [t].

    Possible structures:

    * The dad may have fled away from home.
    * The baby may have been an accident.
    * The man may have killed his sister in a car crash.

    Subject + MAY + HAVE-p.passé



    - apprendre la leçon = savoir dire pourquoi la mère dit: "I wished I'd never had you" à son fils. (j'aurais voulu ne jamais t'avoir eu / enfanté).

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished preparing the final task to send to our English penfriends.

    Here are the final questions we'll send:

    1- How often do you eat candy?
    2- How often do you watch TV?
    3- How often do you drink soda?
    4- How often do you do sports?
    5- How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?
    6- How often do you play video games?
    7- How often do you go to the fast-food restaurant?
    8- How many hours do you sleep on week nights?
    9- How often do you hike in the forest?
    10- How often do you nibble between meals?
    11- How often do you come to school on an empty stomach? / skip breakfast?



    - finir la tâche finale = insérer 4 options de réponse pour chaque question + rédiger 3 paragraphes de "profils" (comme dans les magazines, type questions "Êtes-vous plutôt Brad Pitt ou Angelina Jolie?" -> Vous êtes plutôt Angelina: vous êtes belle et charmante, vous êtes une star, quand vous entrez dans une pièce, tout le monde vous regarde. Vous avez un grand cœur...). Adaptez bien sûr vos profils aux réponses attendues et écrivez-les en anglais en utilisant du vocabulaire et des tournures étudiées en cours.
    - je demanderai à quelques volontaires de bien vouloir faire une très belle et grande affiche à exposer lors de la semaine des langues à propos de ce quiz (questions et résultats) ainsi qu'à propos de la séquence "Health and Sport" (point bonus à la clé!)

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  • Hi!

    Today, we finished the lesson about School life problems.

    You did an exercise in your copybook HERE.

    Here's the lesson :


    Dans les questions, l’auxiliaire CAN peut s’utiliser pour demander un service ou une permission.

    CAN’T permet de renforcer l’idée d’incapacité à faire quelque chose.

    L’auxiliaire COULD permet d’être plus poli. On ne prononce pas le « L ».


    Then, we did an activity with the song "Sunday With a Flu" by Yodelice.

    The worksheet HERE.

    And the video clip:

    Homework for Thursday 5th:

    Revoir toute la leçon 2!


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  • Hello!

    Today, you finished the crossword and you had a final test on Book 1 Lesson 2!


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  • Hello!

    Today, you finished the crossword and you had your final test on Book 1 Lesson 2!



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