• Hello!


    Today we talked about school and you listed your subjects, here they are:

    French-latin, English, Italian, Spanish, Technology, Science (biology, geology, physics and chemistry), Physical Education, History, geography, Maths.

    Then you watched a video and you completed a worksheet in your copybooks about it. Here it is:


    For Thursday 01/09:

    1) Apprendre le nouveau vocabulaire et l'illustrer.

    2) Regarder la vidéo et terminer sa fiche.


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  • Hi !

    Today, you had a test and you gave me your letters. Thanks!

    Nous avons revu la leçon de vendredi dernier, et vous ne la saviez pas assez, donc vous devez l'apprendre de nouveau par cœur pour JEUDI et il y aura une évaluation.



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  • Hi!

    Today we started a new lesson: "All your school stuff!"

    We learnt new vocabulary about school objects.

    Homework for Thursday 1st:

    Apprendre vocabulaire par cœur et réécouter les mots en cliquant ICI.

    Vous pouvez vous entraîner avec ce jeu!

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  • Hi!

    Today, we continued the lesson about being late, absent, etc.

    In your copybook:

    1.   Helen was absent because she had the flu.

    2.   Frances is late because she overslept so she missed the bus.

    3.   Johnathan is sick, so he wants to go to the toilets.

    4.   Marie has a headache so she wants to go to the nurse.

    5.   Martyn is late because he was at the head teacher’s office.

    6.   Abel was absent last Wednesday afternoon because he had an appointment at the dentist’s.

    BV                  Prétérit


    HAVE > HAD

    BE > WAS / WERE


    Homework for Thursday 1st:

    Apprendre la leçon et réécouter les dialogues en cliquant ICI.

    Vous pouvez vous entraîner ici !

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  • Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi, dopo aver fatto un mini-compito sul lessico di ALIMENTI e BEVANDE, abbiamo imparato com'è il MENÙ TIPICO di un PASTO ITALIANO e fatto un'attività sul menù di Raffaele, al ristorante "DALLA MAMMA".


    PRIMO: i ravioli

    SECONDO:le costolette d'abbacchio, il lesso in salsa verde

    CONTORNO: patate e cipolle arrosto, melanzane


    COMPITI per giovedi' 1 ottobre:



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