• Hi guys,

    today we continued the presentation of Andy Warhol's 9 Marilyn.

    Here is what we finally said:

    9 Marilyn - presentation and description



    - être capable de présenter le tableau et d'en commencer la description.

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first took an irregular verbs test and then we continued our lesson about the three towers we studied.

    You completed the 9 examples from the worksheet I gave you and then we began to watch an extract from the musical: "Annie Get your Gun!"
    Did you like it? I thought it was fun, didn't you?

    In the document, the two characters are fighting with words; they are arguing; they are having an argument. The man thinks he is better whereas the woman thinks SHE is better... ahaha! So who is the winner according to you?



    - revoir la scène étudiée en cours et être capable de parler de la compétition entre les deux personnages.

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  • Hi guys,

    first you took your irregular verbs test. Then you had to complete some exercises to make sure you knew how to use the preterite before next week's test.



    - nous continuerons les révisions et corrections la prochaine fois et vous aurez un test global dans 2 leçons = juste après les vacances.

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  • Hi guys,

    today you had to record your interview of Marilyn Monroe and then some of you had to begin and practise the recording of the presentation of your favorite monument in London.



    - j'ai mis en ligne ci-dessous les fichiers audio de Poppy pour que vous puissiez vous entrainer à imiter son accent pour produire qqch de (quasi?) parfait pour l'expo. Let's Practise!

    Big Ben:

    British Museum:

    Buckingham Palace:

    Camden Lock:

    Harry Potter Studios 1:

    Harry Potter Studios 2:

    London Eye:

    Madame Tussaud's:

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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: Las diferencias de horarios entre España y Francia

    Los españoles tienen una pausa entre las 11h45 y las 12h30.

    Los españoles almuerzan y cenan más tarde que los franceses.

    Los franceses meriendan más temprano que los españoles.

    Los españoles tienen una comida más que los franceses porque es largo entre el desayuno y el almuerzo.

    - CE: El día de los españoles

    - MT EE: escribir 2 preguntas sobre El día de los españoles

    Para el 18 de abril de 2014:

    - revoir le vocabulaire de la séquence

    - finir les 2 questions

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