• Hi guys, 

    today we made a recap of Jacob's story and then we began to read a text about Jacob's inspection on Ellis Island. 

    Here are some things we said about the attack on the Russian village: 

    The scene takes place in Russia in 1907 in a Jewish village. 
    The Russian soldiers attacked and burnt the village to the ground. Everybody was killed except Jacob who survived. 
    The rabbi was shot dead but Jacob killed his assassin. 
    After the attack, he took a horse and escaped / ran away / fled.

    -> NB: on parle de voix active quand le sujet de la phrase fait l'action.
    -> NB: on parle de voix passive quand le sujet de la phrase subit l'action.



    - apprendre la leçon PAR COEUR + relire le texte et être capable de parler des sentiments de Jacob (worried / stressed / scared / terrified)

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  • Hi guys,

    today you had to complete a test. Let's hope you will have succeeded.

    See you next time. 
    Take care, 

    Mr Hattais.

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  • Hey, 

    today we worked on the final extract from Britain's Got Talent about Malaki. 
    You had to watch it and concentrate on the personalities of the mother and the son. 

    Here is what you finally said: 

    Malaki is a bit nervous and scared because he is shy but he is courageous. He doesn't run backstage when there is a problem / when he gets a stage fright
    Malaki's mother is a bit nervous too. She is worried about him but she is encouraging, supportive, and reassuring. She is determined



    - apprendre la leçon PAR COEUR!

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on studying the song again. You had to comment on it to say who was responsible for the problems that have recently occured.

    Then we started to study how to pronounce the lyrics correctly and specially the letter /o/ in the song with 4 different pronunciations.



    - que les élèves ayant oublié de faire un paragraphe sur "Scotland" depuis la présentation de Poppy se manifestent... et rattrapent le travail demandé...

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  • Bonjour à tous,

    aujourd'hui on a commencé à regarder le film "Le Guépard" de Luchino Visconti avec quelques arrêts sur l'image à des moments importants.

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