• The Dabbawalas in Mumbai

    Hi guys,

    today after your presentation about "I shouldn't be alive!", we continued our class about India.

    Here is what we said (not in the notebooks yet) after watching the video:

    Recap: the dabbawala service

    Dabba and dabbawala are Hindi words.

    In India, more precisely in Mumbai (the biggest city in India), about 200,000 clients / customers use the service everyday.

    The delivery men carry the lunch boxes on their heads. They don't have cars to deliver the food in schools and offices.

    On the lid of the box, there is a code in colours. Dabbawallas wear a white uniform.

    They never make a mistake = they are very efficient and impressive!



    - se préparer à parler du système des dabbawalas en anglais + recopier la leçon ci-dessus dans son cahier et surligner les mots à connaître; les reporter dans son carnet de vocabulaire.

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