• The British pound and prices

    Helo everybody,

    Today, we continued working on the British Pound.

    We listened to Sharon and Rob who went shopping.

    Sharon wants the red wig and Rob wants the Dracula mask.

    We did "time for grammar" :

    Finally, we corrected your homework :

    £1 + 5p = £1.05 = one pound and five pence
    £5 + £2 + 50p = £7.50 = seven pounds fifty
    £10 + 50p +5p + 20p = £10.75 = ten pounds seventy-five
    £20 + 50p + £5 + 5p + 10p = £25.65 = twenty-five pounds sixty-five.

    £20 - £10 + 50p - 10p = £10.40 = ten pounds forty
    £10 : 2 = £5 = five pounds
    5p x 10 = 50p = fifty pence
    20p - 5p = 15p = fifteen pence

    HOMEWORK : 18/11/13 :
    learn 'time for grammar' = how much + is ou are
    savoir demander et donner un prix (donc, revoir la monnaie !!!)

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