• Rules at Charlton (2)

    Hi guys,

    today we continued talking about the rules at Charlton. Here is what we said:

    • School uniform:

    The tie must incorporate the House colours.
    The shirt must be pale blue.
    You mustn't wear a leather coat.
    You must wear the school crest.
    You can wear a school scarf but it's not an obligation.

    • What you can drink or eat:

    The students can drink water in class when they want.
    They mustn't drink fizzy drinks or soda cans.
    The parents must provide / must give a packed lunch because there is no canteen.



    - bien apprendre les leçons (sur les règles à l'école française et à l'école anglaise)
    - remplir son carnet de vocabulaire.
    - se préparer à un contrôle de leçon / vocabulaire =

    – Je connais le vocab. scolaire et des vêtements
    – Je sais exprimer une règle / possibilité en anglais

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