• Monday, November 19th_SEQUENCE 3




    Today, you gave me back your final task and we started Sequence 3: Britain’s got talent.

    The presentation of Britain’s got talent

    The music is the credits of Britain’s got talent.

    It is a TV show in the United Kingdom.

    Candidates come and show their talents: they can sing, dance, do magic tricks, do different sports, etc.

    There are four jury members.

    They can buzz or golden buzz the candidates.

    They must be incredible, awesome, spectacular and talented.

    Vocabulary: spectators, the staff, cameraman/woman, presenters / stage and backstage

    Homework for Tuesday 20th:

    - être capable de présenter Britain’s got talent.

    - finir de recopier la présentation de la séquence et la leçon.

    Monday, November 19th_SEQUENCE 3



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