• Monday, March 25th_SEQUENCE 5: American Diners



    Today, we started a new sequence and you described the first document.

    Monday, March 25th_SEQUENCE 5: American Diners

    American Diner

    The document is a restaurant menu.

    The name of the restaurant is Route 66 Diner, it’s a fast food.

    It is in The United States of America because there is the dollar symbol and there is typical American food on the menu (burgers, fries, donuts…)

    Route 66 is a very famous and long road in America.

    It goes from Chicago to Los Angeles.
    Free refill is when you pay the first drink and then you can drink again for free.

    All-day breakfast is when you can have breakfast in the morning, in the afternoon and at night.

    Homework for Tuesday 26th:

    - être capable de décrire le menu Route 66

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