• Joliot Curie students are becoming British reporters!

    Hi guys,

    today we created a new news channel that you baptized "JC TV"! What a cool name! =)

    Here is the report you created to associate it with the video we watched about the murals in Ireland:

    "Today, I'm in school in Derry, a city at the border with Northern Ireland and Eire. 
    I'm with the pupils and three artists (Tom, Kevin, and Willy).
    They are teaching art workshops for children. They started a drawing and finally, they will put it on a façade. They look for inspiration and ideas from the children.
    The pupils are painting the dove mural to remember the civil war in Derry. It's a symbol for peace and the future.

    It was a junior for "Joliot Curie Middle School" in France for JC TV."



    - surligner dans la leçon les mots qui seront accentués par le journaliste lors du reportage.

    - s'entraîner à lire le reportage avec la vidéo sans le son et caler sa voix et ce que l'on dit par rapport aux images.


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